Photo of the Week December 13, 2010: Banaue Terraces, Philippines

SHERRY OTT's picture
Dec 13, 2010 / 0 comments

Banaue Terraces, Philippines


The Banaue Terrace viewpoint was one of those few places in the world that really took my breath away. That overwhelming rush of excitement you get when you see something truly incredible came sweeping over me and left me speechless. I personally have seen many famous sites; Taj Mahal, Great Pyramids, Roman Coliseum, Eiffel Tower, Grand Canyon to name a few.  But I think the effect of seeing those places was diminished since I had been exposed to all of them before in magazines, television, books, and movies. When you come across something you’ve never actually seen before, it has a more profound effect; that was the Banaue Terraces for me. I hiked for three days among these ancient terraces, in awe of their beauty.


Banaue Terraces, Philippines


Sherry Ott is the Photography Editor for Wandering Educators.  She has been traveling the world for the last 3 ½ years with her camera as her main companion.  She brings us the Photo of the Week from her travels.  To view more of her photography, visit her portfolio of work at Global Photography by Sherry Ott.  Or if you’d like to read of her travel, expat, and ESL adventures, go to Ottsworld.
