About Song for Africa- Out of the box NYE

by Lexa Pennington /
Lexa Pennington's picture
Jan 01, 2011 / 0 comments

About Song for Africa- Out of the box NYE

“Our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world…as in being able to remake ourselves” – Mahatma Gandhi

It’s New Years Eve.

This time of the year forces us to look back over the year…and this year the decade (the inevitable ‘Top Ten of the Ten’s of every possible subject will surely be played back to back).

For some 2010 was a year to never forget...for others a year they hope to quickly forget (hopefully with some ‘spirits’ tonight!).

For Millicent, 2010 could be the last year she lives in a house made out of cardboard.

2 years ago Song for Africa met Millicent in Kibera, Kenya, the 2nd largest slum in Africa.  While some homes were made of corrugated iron, Millicent’s was made of cardboard boxes.  She shared this home with her HIV positive ailing mother and her brother, her father passed away from AIDS in 2004.  With no electricity and no running water Millicent is amongst the poorest of the poor.

Despite her circumstances, Millicent had a dream and a desire to complete her high school education and go on to train to be in the medical field.  Even though some of the textbooks were not available and most of her studying was done late in the evening after chores.  She read by lamplight and when there was no paraffin, she used candlelight.

This year Millicent graduated from Kibera Glory Secondary School and she did well enough in her exams to qualify for the national nursing school in Nairobi.

Millicent is driven by a desire to not only succeed to pull her family out of poverty, but to help others within Kibera do the same.

Millicent plans on returning to Kibera to practice nursing, in order to treat the illness common within the slum including; malaria, cholera, and typhoid.

The only thing standing between Millicent and her dreams is $3000. 

Whether your year was one to remember or one to forget, maybe helping Millicent achieve her goal could be #1 of your own personal ‘Top Ten’!

How to help
1) Purchase a ticket to “Out of the Box NYE” at http://outoftheboxnye.zoobis.com (For every ticket bought Zoobis will be making a donation!)
2) Download the photo of “Hope” from FB or Zoobis”
3) Change your FB profile photo to the photo of “Hope”
4) Change your status to “This year I helped make someone’s dreams come true, you can too!  Attend Out of the Box NYE before Jan 1st!”
5) Invite all your friends to join you at http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=186101841400650&index=1


