Summer Study Abroad Summary

by Nate Nault /
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Sep 08, 2011 / 0 comments

Hey everyone, this is hopefully the first of a regular summary of all things study abroad. For the most part, it will be a round up of the more helpful and interesting posts on The Study Abroad Blog, however, I'll try to include or mention other great articles that may cover topics I don't. The goal is to help you quickly access info on all aspects of studying abroad including academics, travel tips, hostel reviews, emotional stress, culture shock, uncomfortable situations abroad, and everything in between.

Like the title says, here is a summary of the best articles on The Study Abroad Blog that were written over the summer. Enjoy!

1) A Day In The Life
I loved studying abroad in Scotland during my junior year so much that I decided to stuy abroad again this fall.  This my first post on my new adventure - My New Life As A Study Abroad Student In Beijing, China.

2) How To Avoid Frying Your Electronics While Studying Abroad
There’s one thing that would have made my first night abroad a little easier  - an electrical outlet adapter and/or converter. If you’re not electrically inclined, buying one of these can be a little daunting, however with that being said, after reading this post you should have enough electrical know-how to tackle it with ease.

3) Why No One Likes The Friend That Studied Abroad
A Study Aboard Paradox: Reverse Culture Shock And Re-entry
You make it home from studying abroad and are on cloud nine for a few days before a mysterious feeling of depression comes over you. Unfortunately, it’s not a mystery. It’s a phenomenon known as reverse culture shock, and although it doesn’t affect every returning student, there’s a chance it could get to you. This post will help you understand and deal with the feelings associated with Reverse Culture Shock And Re-entry, and hopefully reveal the light at the end of the tunnel.

4) 10 Tips For Planning Your Weekend Travels
While I loved planning week-long multi-country excursions in Europe, the fact is that a majority of my traveling was done on weekends when I didn’t have any big papers to write or tests to study for. Believe it or not, if you follow these simple planning guidelines, your weekend trips will not only be hassle-free, but much more enjoyable as well. Here are my “Ten Tips For Planning Your Weekend Travels”.

5) Simple Solutions For Managing Money While You’re Studying Abroad
In my eBook “The Ultimate Study Abroad Guide”, I included a section about the realities associated with banking while you’re studying abroad.  While I hope you find it helpful, I also wanted to let you know about two other options I’ve come across that can make managing your finances abroad a lot easier.

6) Culture Shock, Homesickness, And The “Aha Moment”
The common sense way of starting a post about culture shock and homesickness would probably be to define them, but they’re different for everyone so I’m not going to try. The bad news is that they’re both pretty much inevitable when you’re abroad. The good news is that if everyone else can overcome them, there’s no reason you can’t too. Here are my experiences with homesickness and culture shock while I was studying abroad, and a bit about my discovery of what I like to call the “Aha moment”.

7) As Young Americans We Should Make Every Effort To Study Abroad
Like I’ve said before, I went/am going abroad because I want to see and study about the world while I’m young and there’s nothing holding me back. Recently, I was inspired by a number of posts from other blogs to reconsider why myself, and all young Americans, should go abroad at some point in their young lives.  Believe it or not, I am coming to a somewhat contradictory realization that it’s almost my duty as a good U.S. citizen to go abroad.

8) 10 Mistakes I Made While Studying Abroad
I can safely say that I didn’t leave St. Andrews with any regrets. I met new people, traveled and golfed just about every free minute I had, and actually learned a ton of cool stuff in my classes.  However, there are a few things I would change if I were to do it again and here they are: “10 Mistakes I Made While Studying Abroad”.

And of course the most popular and helpful posts on The Study Abroad Blog:

9) 2 Suitcases + 1 Year = Study Abroad Packing List
I know students (and the general traveling population) want a detailed packing list, and we all get annoyed when someone says “it’s common sense”. So I’ve put together everything I thought you could possibly want or need when you study/ travel abroad. I wouldn’t expect you to pack everything I've listed, but at least with this list in front of you, there’s a good chance you won’t forget something you really wanted to bring.

10) How To Fit Your Life Into Two Suitcases
When I wrote “2 Suitcases + 1 Year = Study Abroad Packing List“, it included both a detailed packing list and a number of helpful notes. I realized that, since in its entirety it was longer than the Bible, a lot of people probably didn’t get to the most important part – the helpful notes! So I’ve decided to cut the notes out of that post and expand on them in this post, “How To Fit Your Life Into Two Suitcases”.

I'm personally looking forward to a great year in China, and I wish everyone else the best during the beginning of this new semester!





