Who to Follow for Italy Information

by AKNickerson / Nov 03, 2009 / 2 comments

Twitter LogoIf you are on Twitter, I know you are always looking for interesting people to follow.  You know the kind... they post great links, fascinating information, and are actual human beings who talk, laugh, and interact on Twitter.  Well, I have a treat for you!  I've collected a list of the best tweeters out there all of whom have expertise in and a love for all things Italian. 

A few of the great people you'll meet...

@MissExpatria: a fabulous and funny American living in Italy and tweeting all the way

@Italylogue: Boots 'n All's resident Italy expert and a veritable wealth of information.  @Italylogue spends a lot of time in Milan, too, making her invaluable in that region.

@DiviniaCucina: an American expat living and cooking in Tuscany; be sure to check out her cookbook, too!

@DolceDebbie: chef, writer, and glamour girl extraordinaire, Debbie can be counted on for yummy tips and tart treats

@bellalimento: another Italy foodie who blog both on her own site as well as for several prominet food publications

@MyMelange: another travel Tweep who loves Italy with such a passion that when she isn't traveling she is planning travel for other people

And the list goes on! 

Now, with Twitter's handy new list feature, you can follow all of my Italy picks with one little click, and when I find new ones, you will automatically follow them, too.

I hope you'll check out the entire list:


Spot anyone missing from the list?  Be sure to let me know!  I'm @AKNickerson.

And if you want to stay up to date on what happens here, be sure to follow @WanderingEds, too!


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