Lighting Your Way

by Bert Maxwell /
Bert Maxwell's picture
Nov 20, 2011 / 0 comments

When you travel, are you always fumbling for a light? It can be at the most inopportune times - when you're on a dark street, trying to get into your rental home. Or, when walking home from the local cafe, or heading back to your car after a walk in the woods. Somehow, taking flashlights on a trip can be bulky.

Recently, we were sent review copies of the innovative ClipLit LED clip lights. They are small - about the size of a nickel - and have a clip on the back that can hook to just about anything - your keychain, zipper pull, dog collar, purse, etc. And, once you turn it on (with a simple twist), it is REALLY bright.


NiteIze ClipLit


NiteIze ClipLit



So far, we've used ours to light our way back inside when we're out looking at stars, heading into the garage when the lightbulb was out, lighting up the parking lot as we find our car, and as a nightlight for our daughter. They are handy, lightweight, and definitely give more light than you'd think.

We got the Sun and Blue Wildflower ClipLits; however, they come in plain colors if you prefer.


NiteIze ClipLit


NiteIze ClipLit



ClipLits are made by NiteIze, which has a plethora of other great products - from light up frisbees to dog collars and other items to light up the night and be safe. Highly recommended, whether for travel or at home.


For more information, please see




Note: We received two ClipLits from NiteIze. Thank you!


