Florida Culture for the Week of January 23 by Josh Garrick

by Josh Garrick / Jan 23, 2012 / 0 comments

Florida Culture for the Week of January 23 by Josh Garrick

WinterFest in Daytona Beach

The Daytona Beach Symphony Society, celebrating their 60th illustrious season of classical concerts, presents Winterfest 2012 including a fully-staged opera and two outstanding concerts. They begin with Don Giovanni, the opera based on history’s most famous lover. It’s by Mozart, it’s fully staged, and it’s one of the greatest operas ever written. Don Giovanni comes to the Peabody Auditorium in Daytona Beach on January 27 with orchestra, sets, costumes, and singers drawn from Europe’s great opera houses. The next day WinterFest continues on a lighter note as the CANADIAN Brass bring their special brand of music and joy to the Peabody Auditorium on Saturday, January 28 at 7 pm. The world-famous brass group is made up of five tremendous brass musicians. With over 90 recordings, they play everything from Bach to the Blues and provide entertainment the entire family can enjoy. Russia’s St. Petersburg State Orchestra rounds out the weekend on Sunday, January 29 at 3 pm. The Russians are known for their passion and virtuosity and this Orchestra does not disappoint. Pianist Alexander Pirozhenko joins the orchestra to perform Beethoven’s dramatic Piano Concerto #2 in a program that includes Wagner’s romantic Liebestod from Tristan und Isolde and Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition.  Call 386.253.2901 or 1.800.745.3000, or visit dbss.org.


Canadian Brass


Don Giovanni


Don Giovanni


St Petersburg State Orchestra



Handpicked by Billy Joel

The “New Voice of the American Rock & Roll Songbook,” Michael Cavanaugh was handpicked by Billy Joel to star in his Broadway musical Movin’ Out. A charismatic performer, musician and actor, Cavanaugh appeared in the show for over 1200 performances, receiving Grammy and Tony award nominations along the way. Evoking a voice and talent to rival the ‘Piano Man’ himself, Cavanaugh will be joined on-stage by the entire Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra at the Bob Carr PAC on Saturday, January 28 at 2 pm and 8 pm. Call 407.770.0071 or visit orlandophil.org


Billy Joel Movin Out




PROVING that there can never be enough Brass music in Florida, the Bach Festival Society of Winter Park will present the MANHATTAN Brass on their 20th Anniversary Tour on Sunday, January 29 at 3 pm in the Tiedtke Concert Hall at Rollins College.  Renowned for their dynamic performances, the Manhattan Brass will present music ranging from Bach to Bernstein. From premiere works to featured performances on National Public Radio, the Manhattan Brass is NOT your grandfather’s brass quintet. Call 407.646.2182 or visit BachFestivalFlorida.org.  If you’ve read with an ear for the ‘brass sound,’ you now realize you can hear the CANADIAN Brass on January 28 in Daytona and then hear the MANHATTAN Brass on January 29 in Winter Park!


Manhattan Brass



Speed 2012 at Ormond Art Museum

Featuring fine art, motorsports archives, and rarely seen items from the International Speedway Corporation and NASCAR, an exhibit titled Speed 2012 will celebrate the artistry of the world of motorsports beginning on January 28 and running through March 11 at the Ormond Memorial Art Museum. The focus of the exhibit is on the 50th running of the 24-Hour Daytona race and the return of manufacturer Ferrari to the famed endurance classic. According to curator Barbara Saunders, “Sports car racing has produced some of the most stunning vehicles in racing that have been called 'rolling sculptures'. This is our opportunity to showcase the beauty in our area's racing heritage.” Over 25 collectors, artists, sculptors and photographers will be represented in Speed 2012 with James France, Chairman of International Speedway Corporation and the legendary Hurley Haywood both lending curatorial support to the exhibit. Visit ormondartmuseum.org


Victory Last Time Out / Mario Andretti 1972 / oil on canvas by Colin Carter

Victory Last Time Out / Mario Andretti 1972 / oil on canvas by Colin Carter




Monster Trucks

It may be a ‘different kind of culture,’ but the Monster (Truck) Jam is one of Orlando’s largest stadium events, with over 60,000 fans packed into the Citrus Bowl to watch 16 Monster Trucks compete in side-by-side racing and freestyle competition. The highlight of this year’s event is the 30th anniversary of 4-time World Champion Dennis Anderson and his all-new ‘Grave Digger 30’ truck design. 1,500 horsepower, 10,000-pound monster trucks compete in the racing and the freestyle, where each truck gets 90 seconds to ‘wow’ the crowd with jumps, wheelies, donuts, and the no-holds-barred destruction of cars, vans, buses, and motor homes. It’s one-show-only on Saturday, January 28 with Opening ceremonies at 6:30 and racing at 7 pm.  Fans can meet the drivers for autographs and photos and see the trucks up close at the Pit-Party on Saturday from 2 to 5 pm. Pick up a FREE Pit Pass at Southern Ford Dealers. For tickets, call 800-745-3000 or visit ticketmaster.com or monsterjam.com.


Monster Truck Jam Black Stallion


Monster Truck Jam Bounty Hunter



Bob the Builder at Orlando Science Center

Bob the Builder and his Can-Do Crew invite aspiring builders and their families to help “get the job done,” as the first-ever, hands-on Bob the Builder Project: Build It Traveling Museum Exhibit comes to the Orlando Science Center. This 2,000-square-foot multimedia exhibit is sponsored nationally by the Delta Faucet Company.  As they hammer out solutions to a job well done, Bob and the Can-Do Crew demonstrate the power of positive-thinking, problem-solving, teamwork and follow-through. From start to finish, the team always shows that The Fun Is In Getting It Done! The exhibit invites children to ‘fix things’ with kid-smart activities that inspire and encourage. Families can work together to install new parts to sinks in Bob’s mobile home while learning about water conservation. Replicating Bob’s world while inspiring teamwork and the ‘can-do’ attitude, the exhibit will be on display from January 28 to May 6. Call 407 514 2000 or visit osc.org


Bob the Builder


Bob the Builder



And NOT-to-be-missed … 

Topographies, a magnificent exhibit at the Orlando Museum of Art, by Florida’s own Barbara Sorensen “reminds us of the globe’s wild, natural beauty.” Topographies is on view through April 1.  Call 407 896 4231 or visit OMArt.org.


Barbara Sorensen




Josh Garrick is the Florida Arts editor for Wandering Educators
