We Said Go Travel

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Mar 06, 2012 / 0 comments

We've shared the great work our Geography Awareness Editor, Lisa Niver Rajna, is doing in internationalizing her classroom. But do you know, she's also sharing her travel experiences and inspiring others to travel? Her website, We Said Go Travel, is chock full of photos, inspiration, videos, stories, and the pure joy of learning about other places that is the hallmark of a curious mind. I so admire her work and writing - now it's time to share this goodness with our Wandering Educators!


We Said Go Travel



We caught up with Lisa and talked about her site, how international work experiences have influenced her life, digging deeply into a culture, and more. Here's what she had to say...


WE:  Please tell us about your site, We Said Go Travel...

LNR: Our site is a meeting place for travelers where share our journeys through photos and videos. Over the last year, we have hosted many events in Los Angeles with travel authors, writers and vagabonds. We also write about how travel has changed us, both personally and professionally.


WE: What was the genesis of your site?

LNR: George and I met online and started traveling internationally almost immediately. He invited me on his dream trip to travel for a year. When I said yes, I did not realize I would give up my job, my condo and eventually toilet paper.  After a year in South East Asia, we wrote a book in two voices about the journey and our engagement. Soon after that book, He Said, She Said, we started our website: We Said Go Travel!


We Said Go Travel



WE: How have your international work experiences influenced your lives - and journeys?

LNR: Both George and I have traveled most of our lives. A teen tour to Israel encouraged me to study abroad in college and influenced my choice to work at Club Med and on several cruise lines for seven years. George studied in Italy, worked at Club Med and lived in South America for three years as a part of the Peace Corps in Paraguay. Having wanderlust and being global conscious has impacted all of our choices from choosing each other to working as teachers and going on long-term career breaks.


We Said Go Travel



WE:  Do you have any tips for long-term journeys?

LNR: I remember being on a 30 day cruise and at one point the Cruise Director told the passengers, “You need to use the “F” word more often…Flexible!” While traveling I often get from point A to Point B but rarely in the way I imagined. I also have learned so much more about myself than I ever learn about the place. Be open to surprises; better yet expect the unexpected. I certainly was shocked when George and I got engaged underwater in Thailand.


WE: How can travelers best dig deeply into a culture/new place?

LNR: I have learned the most about a place when I relax and listen. When I am rushing to the next peak experience, I think I miss what is right in front of my face. I love it when we spend 3 days or a week staying in one location and really having time to take the scene and the people in. My best tip is to learn 5-10 words in the local language. Many times in many countries I have been told I know so much of the local language. I can promise you it usually happens when I still know only 3 -5 words but most Americans do not learn even to say Hello or Thank you in the local language. Making an effort to learn about people makes a difference at home and while traveling. Saying please, thank you, good morning always opens doors.


We Said Go Travel



WE: What are your top tips for traveling off the beaten path?

LNR: The best way to get off the beaten path is to be curious. While in Indonesia for two months, George remarked that there was really nothing in the guidebook about Sumbawa. He wanted to know why so instead of taking the usual route of going overland overnight through most of the island, we spent several days in both of the main cities. We were invited to a local English school and got to speak to three classes of students. We went places where they really had never met a native English speaker. Another time, George wanted to know was Penghu really the Hawaii of Taiwan? So we went there. We met many Taiwanese who had never been to Penghu and asked us about it. It was definitely a highlight of our two weeks in Taiwan. Ask questions and wonder how to find the answers; you will get off the beaten path quickly!


We Said Go Travel



WE:  Is there anything else you'd like to share with us?

LNR: George and I each write about travel on www.wesaidgotravel.com. I also write about science, geography and education at www.scienceisntscary.net.  I would love to talk to parents, teachers, travelers and students about the importance of global awareness, science and geographic literacy.



WE: Thanks so very much, Lisa! We highly recommend We Said Go Travel to our Wandering Educators!






All photos courtesy and copyright Lisa Niver Rajna
