The Pearl Street Mall

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Apr 18, 2012 / 0 comments

It’s never quite a “normal”, per se, visit when you come to the Pearl Street Mall. In the heart of Boulder lies a gateway to the abnormal: great foods, weird acts, plenty of merchandise, and an overall feel that’s different.  It’s never quite the same experience for two different people…What one might find interesting might not appeal to another, and vice versa. However, there’s something here for everyone.


The roaring of cars isn’t a strange sound around here, but it’ll eventually become white noise in comparison. On nearly every block, there’s bound to be some local talent. From guitars to their own voices, these denizens know their way around harmony; whether you feel the relaxing pull of a nice harp or the adrenaline of an electric guitar, the unique soundtrack provides great support for what else you’ll find…


Smoke is in the air, but don’t be scared. Also inhabiting the Pearl Street Mall are some unique flavors. What’s available range from local hubs to some guy, some juicy meat, and his grill. Some would say the un-branded food is better to what’s mass produced, and you should take their word for it. The available palate is only limited to your taste buds.


Be sure that you’re ready to see a lot of things out of the ordinary, because weirdness is probably this place’s lead export.  Around every turn, every corner, possibly every few steps, you’re bound to see something extraordinary. Such as?, you might ask? Plenty, I’d have to respond. Nearly everything from the merchandise, to the shops, to the people themselves.


As previously mentioned, you’ll end up hearing some of the local talents' music. However, this is the least of what you’ll end up seeing. People hoping to sign you up for their cause may approach you (make sure they don’t steal anything from you). Street performers can be wildly unpredictable;  they may juggle chainsaws. Ride Unicycles. Be extremely flexible. And some people may just have some vibrant costumes goin’ on.


Shops tend to range from “normal” to quite specified - ice cream to aromatherapy. Either way, there’s a good blend of one and the other with every store, especially the art shops. Art is a touchy subject on what’s weird and what’s not, so it’s up to whoever passes by to decide…As they say, Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.


Within said shops (or, in some cases, outside) is, of course, what you can buy. Much like the stores themselves, these products can range from abstract to bland. You want some candy? Sure, they’ve got that. Want a Jesus action figure? They’ve got some of those, too. You can also likely guess that some of the exotic costumes you’ll see people wearing haven’t traveled all that far since they were bought.  Then again, what makes for a more interesting souvenir…?


All in all, this is one heck of an experience. Everybody’s bound to be interested by something, be it the food, the people, the merchandise or the places. While an exotic trip may sound like more of a tale, some people just might find themselves right at home in all the weirdness…



Ryan Jorgensen is a member of the Youth Travel Blogging Mentorship Program


