Tips for Visiting Atlantis

by Emily Zumchak / May 10, 2012 / 0 comments

As you take your first step into the lobby of Atlantis, your heart stops. The bright beauty of the hallways, the stately architecture, and the soft, so comfortable looking furniture suck you in. Almost immediately, you decide you never want to leave. Unfortunately, although you will never starve while enclosed in these enchanting walls, your wallet will soon be gasping for breath. Nothing is cheap in the Bahamas, especially on the beautiful Paradise Island.





When you walk through the halls of the hotel, you will be completely awe-struck by the magnificent architecture and the stunning design. You may think it can’t get better, but trust me, it will. When you walk through the casino, try not to be tempted by the flashing lights and sounds of the games, and ignore the laughs and chattering at the blackjack table. You may console yourself with the thought you might get lucky, but trust me, you won’t, and there are a lot of other things you will want to save your money for. Try not to be pulled in, stay away from the fun, which won’t be fun for long before it turns into loss, and keep your feet on the green carpet. Instead take a stroll past the Aquarium. If you peer into the six million gallons of water, you will see some beautiful fish, interesting looking sharks, and maybe even a manta ray. No, I didn’t say a sting ray, I said a manta ray, the enormous papa of the sting ray family, whose wing span can grow up to twenty-five feet long in the wild. Maybe walk through the Dig, the dark tunnel deep inside the Aquarium. If the tour guide is around, make sure to listen to the story about the chosen one. When you walk through the Dig, make sure to walk into the first gift store you see/ On the way there you will see the easily missed Moray Eels, who glow neon green in the dark, and stare into your soul with their piercing blue eyes.





While you're in the Water Park (known as Aquaventure), make sure to visit the world-famous attraction, the Mayan Temple. If you are not a fan of rides yourself, make sure to stand at the bottom of the Leap of Faith, which is a 60 ft. almost vertical plunge though a tube submerged in a shark tank, and watch the riders scream their way down the slide, shoot through the tube, and emerge, soaked and terrified, at the bottom. If you do like going on the rides, you can be daring, and accept the challenge of the Leap of Faith, or you can go on the many other thrilling rides in the park. A little tip for the tube slides, keep your butt up! You will never be bored in Atlantis.







After you get hungry from all that swimming and slide-riding, you may want to make your way down to Mosaic. The restaurant, which is an all you can eat buffet, is located in the fancier part of Atlantis, The Cove. On the way to the restaurant, you walk along a beautiful wooden path, over a bridge with a beautiful fish pond, and lights shining up from the ground. When you get closer to the restaurant, you can start to smell the meat and the chocolate crepes sizzling on the fry pan. When you walk inside, you are immediately taken in by the beautiful design - and the water running down the walls and down glass panels in the middle of the room. You see the dessert, strategically places right by the door, and if you haven’t yet decided whether or not to eat here, this will make your decision for you. Everything in the restaurant is good quality, fresh, and is cooked to perfection. The only downside to Mosaic is that you will get a shock when your bill comes! If you want to avoid the enormous bill, go to a cheaper restaurant before hand for a drink, and avoid the alcohol when you get to Mosaic, and just drink the complimentary water. Most of your money is spent on a bottle of wine and a mojito!





If you are thinking of making the trip to Atlantis for vacation, don’t hesitate to book your flight! Atlantis is an amazing hotel - one of the top ones in the Bahamas - and you will have lots of fun there! This hotel is recommended for all ages.






Emily Zumchak is a member of the Youth Travel Blogging Mentorship Program.



All photos courtesy and copyright Emily Zumchak






