Harvard East Asia Society Conference

by Lexa Pennington /
Lexa Pennington's picture
Nov 11, 2008 / 2 comments

12th Annual Harvard East Asia Society Graduate Student Conference: Bridges
and Borders in East Asia
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
February 27 - March 1, 2009

The Harvard East Asia Society (HEAS) Graduate Student Conference invites
graduate students from around the world, conducting research in all
disciplines, to submit abstracts for our 2009 conference:

Bridges and Borders in East Asia

The East Asian landscape is dominated by barriers that separate culture from
culture and state from state, from the Korean Demilitarized Zone to the
Great Wall to the Taiwan Strait. But borders are permeable and mutable,
constantly shifting in position and meaning; frontiers connect the same
spaces that they partition. The 2009 Harvard East Asian Society Conference
Committee welcomes submissions addressing this theme of borders and
border-crossings. We are looking for any work that bridges divides - between
people, spaces, eras, ideas, cultures or disciplines. Often, the first
bridges to be built are the first to be burned. Walls are enduring symbols
of stasis; they are nonetheless sites of exchange. We look forward to
exploring these paradoxes of social, cultural, physical and intellectual

The HEAS Graduate Student Conference is an annual conference which aims to
provide an interdisciplinary forum for graduate students to exchange ideas
and discuss current research on East Asia. The conference is an opportunity
for young scholars to present their research to both their peers and eminent
scholars in East Asian Studies. All panels will be moderated by Harvard
University faculty.

We welcome submissions from graduate students in all disciplines. Papers
should be related to this year's theme and to East Asia, Inner Asia,
Singapore, or Vietnam. We will consider submissions of individual papers and
panel proposals.

Eligibility and Application Guidelines:
1.  Applicants must be currently enrolled in a program of graduate study
("postgraduate" in British degree classification systems)
2.  Papers must be related to the conference theme AND to one or more of the countries of East Asia that share the Chinese cultural tradition, including Japan, Korea, Inner Asia, Singapore and Vietnam
3.  Abstracts must be no longer than 250 words, submitted exactly as
directed on the HEAS Conference website
4.  Deadline for abstract submission:  November 30, 2008 (Sunday)
5.  Detailed instructions and more information are available on our website:


For general conference inquiries, please contact:
heasconference [at] gmail.com
For abstract submission inquiries, please contact:
heas.abstracts [at] gmail.com

12th Annual Harvard East Asia Graduate Student Conference


Comments (2)

  • melvin2008

    16 years 4 months ago

    The word student
    is etymologically derived through middle english from the latin second type conjugation
    verb studēre, meaning to direct one's zeal at; hence a student could be
    described as one who directs zeal at a subject.





  • roger2008

    16 years 4 months ago

    The shape of the East Asia Community remains something to be defined in the future. The issues being explored at this stage
    deal with whether there will be a Community which must be resolved prior to understanding what it will look like. The idea of establishing a trade community within East Asia has had a long history.



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