How to Find the Best Deals on Flights

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Aug 07, 2012 / 0 comments

If you’re like me, you spend hours searching for the lowest possible airfare, so that you can travel for longer! I constantly compare different sites, including the airline sites themselves. But it’s exhausting, and we all know that flight prices change constantly.


Well, things have changed for us deal-seekers. Now we can find the best price at ONE site! It’s called Skyscanner, and their goal is admirable – “to become the first website in the world to be able to show you the cheapest way to travel from A to B – wherever you are and wherever you want to go.”


How does Skyscanner do this? With extremely flexible search options, for long lengths of time (up to a year in advance!). Find your flight, and then book direct with the airline or travel agent – with no added commission.
The genius of Skyscanner is that it collects and compares prices for EVERY commercial flight – in the WORLD! With offices in Edinburgh and Singapore, they are definitely onto a good thing. They even have a newsletter to share great deals.


Here’s an example of their great deals – I did a search from our home airport for flights to New York. It checked a plethora of airlines, and many flight search engines. My results?  It was amazing that I could get such a great price with Delta, just by choosing certain dates – which I could see very clearly. Take a look:


skyscanner - DTW-LGA

Initializing search


skyscanner - DTW-LGA

I chose the two cheapest dates


skyscanner - DTW-LGA

et voila - great price!



And another search, for my brother in Seattle. He loves to go to Bogota, Colombia. This time I did a search for a whole month, instead of specific dates.  I saw the prices, picked the ones that would fit with his budget and work schedule, and found some great deals.



Prices available for Seattle - Bogota



...and a deal!



As you can see from the screenshots, what makes this an extraordinary booking engine is that you can choose the dates based on the lowest prices, AND what works for your schedule. Once you click BOOK, you’re directed to the airlines website – easy to use, and a good thing if problems arise on your trip.


I have to admit, with a smile, that my days of searching many sites are over. Skip the “lowest price guarantee” with a dubious check in the mail. With Skyscanner, I can SEE the lowest price. Count me in!







