Two Spiders Go A Sailing

by nonameharbor / Oct 14, 2012 / 0 comments

Two Spiders Go A Sailing

Hibiscus, five petals, redpink beauty, life itself
Tumbling down to the river, becomes
Redpink coracles dancing to a whimsical
Plink and pock of wind wavelets.


Rudy and Jess, looking smart
In their own handwoven cable sweaters
Sit on opposite thwarts as stem oars
Dip in, dip out, winkling the sunlit water.


For elevenses they balance cups of Earl Grey
On the ship’s sole and Jess offers Rudy a gnat
She has stored in her pocket for the occasion.
Both gaze at blue sky, blue river, sigh contentedly.


Mid-afternoon, oars shipped, still drifting,
Each spider billows a strand of silk over the water,
Ties it to a toe, lean back to wait for a mayfly.
Soon their eyelids rest gently closed and they nap.

