Underwater Photography at the Norwalk Aquarium

by Kathryn Blanco / Nov 03, 2012 / 0 comments

For this class assignment for the Youth Travel Blogging Mentorship Program, I had to do some underwater photography. However, seeing as I’m living in the middle of Connecticut in October, that wasn’t really an option. Instead, here are some photos taken at the Norwalk Aquarium. (Note: as you will see, not all species photographed are indigenous to Connecticut waters.)


Enjoy a little tour through the wet and wonderful world of aquatic animals.


A bright yellow jellyfish floats lazily in its individual tank

A bright yellow jellyfish floats lazily in its individual tank


An active octopus busily moves around in her tank, with a dead fish cleverly kept hanging out of her mouth for later.

An active octopus busily moves around in her tank, with a dead fish cleverly kept hanging out of her mouth for later.


Tropical fish of all colors, shapes, and sizes dart around the reef

Tropical fish of all colors, shapes, and sizes dart around the reef (above and below)


Tropical fish of all colors, shapes, and sizes dart around the reef



This lobster proudly snaps his claws in our direction

This lobster proudly snaps his claws in our direction


A blowfish lays on a rock, calm and deflated for the moment

A blowfish lays on a rock, calm and deflated for the moment


A tank of pale jellyfish are floating and glowing together

A tank of pale jellyfish are floating and glowing together


Sharks swimming among tall seaweed

Sharks swimming among tall seaweed (above and below)  


Sharks swimming among tall seaweed





Kathryn Blanco is a member of the Youth Travel Blogging Mentorship Program.


All photos courtesy and copyright Kathryn Blanco





