Sheikh Nahayan Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships

by Bert Maxwell /
Bert Maxwell's picture
Nov 18, 2008 / 0 comments

Sheikh Nahayan Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships

TIRF -- The International Research Foundation for English Language
Education -- is pleased to announce the opening of the 2008-2009
competition for the Sheikh Nahayan Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships.
These fellowships support doctoral candidates who have been advanced
to candidacy, and whose research focuses on issues of specific
relevance and importance to educators in the Arab world.

Sheikh Nahayan Bin Mubarak Al Nahayan of the United Arab Emirates has made a generous contribution to TIRF to stimulate language education research on issues of specific relevance and importance to educators in the Arab world. The fund will support three doctoral dissertation grants per year for each of three years for a total of nine Sheikh Nahayan Fellowships.

This research will address topics of concern and provide input for policy makers. The fellowships will generate such research by providing financial support for graduate students enrolled in doctoral programs in language education throughout the world who focus their own dissertations on topics that would inform education policy makers in the Arab world. This is the second competition, and it is anticipated that a third will take place in 2009-2010. Applicants are encouraged to read about the work of the 2007-2008 Sheikh Nahayan Fellowship recipients at

Applicants can choose any one of the following topics:

    * Effective Grammar Instruction for English Language Learners in Primary and Secondary Education Contexts
    * Teachers' English Proficiency and Effective English Language Education
    * Students' Age and Effective English Language Education in Schools
    * Optimal Uses of Technology in the Delivery of English Language Instruction
    * Cultural Content of Instructional Materials

Doctoral candidates may also submit research proposals on any other topic of direct relevance to the teaching and learning of English in the Arab world.

The application deadline is midnight, Mountain Standard Time in the
U.S. on Wednesday, January 28, 2009.

Please visit TIRF's website for the specific research priorities and
more information about applying.

