Pizza in Pisa

by Rhythm Turner / Mar 28, 2013 / 0 comments

Well technically, it wasn't a piece. It was actually an entire pizza.


Pizza in Pisa

This is a picture of me with a piece of that pizza. It was delicious. Imagine yourself in Italy, eating the greatest pizza you have ever tasted. It's covered in amazing mozzarella cheese, dripping with flavor.


Now, imagine yourself in Pisa, with that pizza… You see where I'm going with this. That was me. The thing about Italian pizza is it's nothing like American pizza. It's much better. One of the most visible differences is the crust on Italian pizza is much thinner. Plus, all the ingredients are fresh (except for the cheese; technically, cheese is almost never fresh).  Seriously, the cheese is amazing.


Pizza aside, Pisa is really cool. What's most notable are all the people standing in funny poses like they are leaning on air. Admittedly, I did it too. Who wouldn't?


Leaning Tower of Pisa fun facts: The tower took over 300 years to build, even though they weren't even working on it for 200 of those years. Which turned out  to be good, because it gave the soil time to settle, giving the tower more stability. It also used to be known as the bell tower (or campanile), or the Tower of Pisa, before the lean became famous. It was designed by Bonanno Pisano.





Rhythm Turner is a member of the Youth Travel Blogging Mentorship Program.


Photo courtesy and copyright Rhythm Turner





