Avoiding Boredom: Five best travel accessories for kids

by Joy Whitehead / Apr 13, 2013 / 0 comments

Nobody likes being bored. Nobody likes being bored on a trip either. In my family, there are seven people (five kids and two parents), and everyone does their best to prevent boredom while we're traveling, but this is no easy task, especially with limited space.


Here are my top five must-haves for road-trips with your family:

1. Kindle or e-reader: Kindles are really fun to have anywhere, and anytime, and they're especially great for long road-trips. They don't require Wi-Fi, and you can get almost any book you could want on them!

kindle for reading while traveling

Kindle for reading on the road

2. Nintendo Ds: The Ds by Nintendo is small, and really fun. There is such a wide variety of super small, easy to pack games, too. From cooking to walking dogs, to managing stores and business, you can have fun anywhere with one of these!

Nintendo Ds with travel case

Nintendo Ds with travel case

3. Ipod, Ipad, or Iphone: Any Apple product is fun to use, but these are easy to pack, and also nice to have on a road-trip. You could listen to music, or play any non-Wi-Fi games on it while waiting to arrive at your destination.

4. Coloring and drawing supplies: Almost everyone likes to express their creativity by drawing or coloring, so why not bring some supplies on your trip? Challenge someone in the car to a game of Tic-Tac-Toe or a drawing contest.

5. Colored Yarn: Yarn is fun. Mostly just girls like these kinds of activities, but you could make friendship bracelets, crochet a hat, or knit a scarf!

Colored Yarn

Yarn for some creative fun

Here is a cool video we made about these great travel boredom busters!



I hope that my article about five travel accessories for kids will help you and your kids to have a fun and peaceful trip. Don't forget to bring the cords!





Joy Whitehead is a member of the Youth Travel Blogging Mentorship Program


All photos courtesy and copyright Joy Whitehead






