Travel Safety Tips

by shelbylewis /
shelbylewis's picture
Jul 07, 2013 / 0 comments

Often, we take our safety for granted:  in our home towns, malls, and even surrounding cities.  As we become familiar with an area, we begin to feel comfortable with ourselves and not worry about our safety.  This is all good and well until we begin to travel to foreign places.  We can’t always count on having the best safety while traveling to new places.  If we are not careful, we exhibit the same comfortable feeling as we would in our home town.  It is important to take extra caution when traveling to new places. Don’t fear if you are not sure how to take extra safety measures, or need to brush up on your travel safety. 


Here are six travel safety tips to keep you clear from danger on your travels.

1.    Know the language
2.    Don’t be that tourist…
3.    Hide your cash
4.    Late night no-nos
5.    Leave your valuables at home
6.    The essentials


Seal, underwater

This guy won't steal from you?



Shelby Lewis is a member of the Youth Travel Blogging Mentorship Program


Photo courtesy and copyright Shelby Lewis




