Postcard from Mykonos, Greece

by Sarah Albom /
Sarah Albom's picture
Sep 11, 2013 / 1 comments

Mykonos. The word slides off my tongue, chunky and yet smooth, like a hokey pokey ice cream. The exotic name describes the Greek island perfectly: a paradise in the middle of the Aegean Sea. Accessible only by boat and plane, Mykonos is truly the hidden gem of the Mediterranean. When there, I felt free and joyful, trivial problems fading into the back of my consciousness as we explored the narrow streets and cobblestone alleyways of Chora, the main town in Mykonos. I held onto my white fedora as we traversed the maze of whitewashed houses, contrasting against the summer blue sky in a beautiful array of sea and sand. We polished off a delicious brunch at a small cafe overlooking the water, and walked to the famous windmills at the top of the hill.


Of course, there was a complication.


When we travel, there always seems to be some snag, whether it be as small as a cockroach sunbathing in the kitchen, or as large as being escorted away by five policemen in the Middle East.


And this hitch had to do with the windmills - or more specifically, their power source. Mykonos is known for the sunny, cloudless sky, and also for the wind.


Mykonos, Greece


We came across an alleyway early on in the day, and, feeling a bit adventurous, took a little detour to see what was at the end. We walked down the cobblestone path and turned left. Along the water was a thin stone pathway. A sharp ledge on the pathway caused the waves to create a wall of water that, unless at the edge, would only wet the tips of one’s toes. Feeling a tad brave, I advanced along the slippery surface.
I suppose it was a combination of a rather large wave and the wind, but my hand must have opened for just a second as the wind grabbed my white fedora and tugged it away.


The white fedora, Mykonos, Greece


I hope that one day I will be able to return to Mykonos and spend more time exploring the cobblestone alleyways and swimming in the ocean. Maybe when I journey back I'll even find my fedora washed up on the white sands.





Sarah Albom is a member of the Youth Travel Blogging Mentorship Program


All photos courtesy and copyright Sarah Albom





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