Florida Culture for the Week of October 13 By Josh Garrick

by Josh Garrick / Oct 15, 2014 / 0 comments

Florida Culture for the Week of October 13 By Josh Garrick

Now through Jan 4 – Bats: Myths and Mysteries at the Science Center

At Bats: Myths and Mysteries, the new exhibit at the Orlando Science Center, visitors see 30 of the flying ‘creatures of the night’ (safely enclosed) including African fruit bats, Asian fruit bats, leaf nosed bats, and a local variety called ‘the big brown bat’ – for real. Guests may try a pair of giant bat ears to experience the sensitivity of bat hearing, and search for replica bats concealed in a variety of habitats. Kind of scary – think Halloween. Visit osc.org


Bats: Myths and Mysteries at the Science Center


Oct 15 to Nov 16 – Orlando Shakes Opens The Best of Enemies

Mixing the poison of prejudice with the beauty of friendship, the play The Best of Enemies is based on a true story about the relationship between a hate-filled leader of the KuKluxKlan and an African-American civil rights activist as the unlikely pair find themselves working together during the 1971 desegregation of Durham, NC schools. In performance from October 15 to November 16 by the Orlando Shakespeare Company – with a Free Opening Night Party on October 17 – visit orlandoshakes.org or call 407.447.1700 x1.


The Best of Enemies at Orlando Shakes


Oct 16 – Poet Laureate Billy Collins at Rollins College

The Rollins Winter Park Institute brings world-renowned speakers to Central Florida. The Institute will present two-term US Poet Laureate Billy Collins, who will read from his collected works and then share the stage for a reading by local high school student-poets who are winners of a contest judged by the master-poet. Set for October 16 at 7 pm, the event is free and open to the public. Call 407.691.1995 or visit winterparkinstitute.org


Poet Laureate Billy Collins


Oct 17 – Celebrating the Roaring 20’s for 20th Year of Planned Parenthood

With three health centers – including a new facility in Kissimmee – Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando sees over 21,000 patients each year. 2014 is the organization's 20th anniversary, and they’ll celebrate with a Roaring 20’s fund-raiser on October 17 beginning at 7 pm at the Orchid Garden at Church Street. For a suggested donation of $100, the evening will include an open bar, heavy hors d'oeuvres, music, and a special update from PPGO's President & CEO. Call 407.246.1788 or visit ppgo.org/annualevent to learn more.


Roaring 20s


Oct 17 & 19 – Peter Brook’s Version of La Tragedie de Carmen

You may think you ‘know’ Carmen, but on October 17 at 8 pm and 19 at 2 pm, the Florida Opera Theatre will present Peter Brook's adaptation of the opera in a version more aligned with the Merimee novella. “It's much more raw and visceral,” says Director Eric Pinder. “by re-arranging the order of the famous arias, a completely different take on the story emerges.”  We will still enjoy the much loved music of Georges Bizet with Robyn Rocklein starring as Carmen, and Brent Reilly Turner as Don Jose. Performances are at Trinity Prep in Winter Park. Tickets may be purchased at floperatheatre.org or by calling 407 718 4365




Oct 17, 18 & 19 – The Vampires are Havin’ a Ball with the Orlando Ballet

The Orlando Ballet Company invites us to the Vampire's Ball, a back-by-popular-demand evening of Vampires, Ghouls (and sexy dancing) with tongue-in-cheek references to classical ballets and old-time vampire movies. Think Halloween – with a musical score ranging from Bach to Adele. These creatures come to life on October 17,18 & 19 in a full-length ballet with choreography by Orlando Ballet’s own Artistic Director Robert Hill. Grip your seat as you are ‘glamoured’ into craving more at the Bob Carr PAC. Call 407.426.1739 or visit OrlandoBallet.org


Vampire Ball


Oct 18 – Boktoberfest Plant Sale at Bok Tower Gardens

We are invited to ‘celebrate’ the Fall Planting Season with Free admission to the magnificent Bok Tower Gardens featuring more than 40 plant vendors from around the State of Florida on October 18.  There will also be live entertainment, German food and craft beers, children’s activities, live carillon music, and guest garden speakers ready to help with gardening tips from 8 am to 5 pm.  Call 863.676.1408 or visit boktowergardens.com


Bok Tower Gardens


Oct 18 & 19 -- Masterful Mozart at the Bach Festival

An All-Mozart concert will open the season for the Bach Festival Chorus and Orchestra on October 18 at 7:30 pm and October 19 at 3 pm. The Sinfonia Concertante for Violin, Viola, and Orchestra in E-flat Major will be performed with co-concertmasters Routa Kroumovitch-Gomez and Alvaro Gomez as soloists. The brilliantly energetic Overture to The Magic Flute will be presented followed by the hauntingly grandiose Mozart Requiem at the Knowles Chapel on the campus of Rollins College. Call 407.646.2182 or visit bachfestivalflorida.org




Oct 18 & 19 – Winter Springs’ ARToberFEST

Can’t make it to Germany for Oktoberfest? The Oviedo-Winter Springs Chamber of Commerce has you covered with their 7th annual Winter Springs ARToberFEST. This family-friendly event showcases the work of 100 artists as well as up-and-coming high school and college artists. Food includes German delicacies and beer; children can have their faces painted and/or create their own art pieces while live music is presented from 10 am to 5 pm on October 18 and 19 at the Winter Springs Town Center. Call 407-278-4871 or visit oviedowintersprings.org




Oct 18 & 19 and Oct 25 & 26 – The Central Florida ZOO BOO Bash

The kids will love trick-or-treating in the wildest neighborhood in town during ZOO Boo Bash at the Central Florida Zoo in Sanford. It's a safe, fun, and not-too-scary event where kids in costume can fill their goody-bags at the Zoo’s trick or treat stations. No costume - no problem; the Zoo’s face painter will help you out. A Costume Contest will be held at 1 pm each day. Event included in general Zoo admission. Call 407.323.4450 ext 100


Central Florida Zoo Bash


Oct 19 at 8 pm – Earth, Wind & Fire at Hard Rock Live Orlando

Earth, Wind & Fire is America's 7th top-selling musical group of all-time. “Born” in Chicago in 1969, the group is still going strong in its 5th decade, making music that connects the 20th and 21st centuries. Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Vocal Group Hall of Fame, Earth, Wind & Fire has earned 8 Grammy Awards and 4 American Music Awards while selling more than 90 million albums worldwide. These musical legends will be at Hard Rock Live at 8 pm on October 19. Call 407.351.LIVE or visit ticketmaster.com


Earth Wind and Fire


Oct 23 to Nov 22 – Orlando Shakes presents The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley

Young audiences are invited to a whirlwind, musical travelogue as Orlando Shakes opens its Fall Children’s Series with The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley from October 23 to November 22. Based on the character created by Jeff Brown, Stanley Lambchop makes a wish to be as flat as a pancake… and his wish comes true! In two-dimensional form, Stanley becomes the ultimate exchange student, teaching young audiences that heroes come in all shapes and sizes. A printable Flat Stanley is available at orlandoshakes.org.  For tickets call 407.447.1700 x 1 or visit orlandoshakes.org.


The musical adventues of flat Stanley

Photo by Landon St. Gordon features Michael Sheehy as Flat Stanley, John DeLisa as Arthur, and Sarah Caroline Billings as Samantha.


Flat Stanley


Oct 24 to Nov 19 – High Fidelity, an Art Exhibit by James Cornetet

Orlando-based artist James Cornetet began his career as an architect, but his interest in the arts has resulted in his artwork earning recognition at international levels. Cornetet’s High Fidelity series represents the culmination of his skills as the images feature “butterflies at an unprecedented fidelity,” photographed by a custom CNC camera that enables him the ability to create the 1,000 mega-pixel images of these beloved insects. An Opening reception will be held on October 24 beginning at 7 pm at Jai Gallery in downtown Orlando. The Artist will be present. RSVP by calling 407.921.0693 or by email to Coralie[at]jaigallery.net


High Fidelity - Cornetet


Oct 25 – ‘Saddle up’ for the 4th Annual Cows 'n Cabs

Dust off those fancy Western boots and get-on-down to Winter Park's West Meadow on October 25 for the 4th Annual Cows ‘n Cabs to benefit the Community Food & Outreach Center. At this Western-themed event, guests may expect some fancy food, music and spirits from more than 18 of Central Florida's top restaurants including 4 Rivers Smokehouse, Kres, and K Restaurant, alongside newcomers such as Soco and P is for Pie Bakeshop. You can guess about the cows; the cabs are cabernets. Visit cowsncabs.com


Cows n Cabs




Josh Garrick is the Florida Arts Editor for Wandering Educators



