Apple Cider Pancakes - the Essence of Fall in Michigan

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Oct 29, 2011 / 6 comments

Fall in Michigan - it's glorious! Colorful leaves, mist on the lake in the early mornings - and even rainbows, and northern lights this week. We see Canadian geese, ducks of all sorts, the great blue heron, and the eagle fishing. Leaves float by, the lilypads curl up in the cold. Frost limns the leaves at the water's edge (we really should finish raking). Here's a glimpse of our lake this week:

Rainbow, Michigan

fall reflections

Fall on the lake

frosted leaves

Fall leaves on lake

early morning mist

And, it calls for the perfect fall breakfast - apple cider pancakes.

Caveat - apple cider in Michigan is cloudy - a murky golden brown, not clear. It is NOT apple juice, although I suppose you could use it. It's delicious, the very essence of apple!

apple cider pancakes

Apple Cider Pancakes Recipe

1.5 c flour (I used 1/2 c whole wheat, and 1 c prairie gold. You could use white, all whole wheat, or a mixture)
1 t sugar
1 t baking powder
1/2 t baking soda
1/2 t salt
1 T cinnamon

1 egg
2 T melted butter
1/3 c milk
1 c apple cider

1 apple, peeled, cored, and diced into small pieces
walnuts, diced small, in 1/2 the amount of the apple
1 t cinnamon sugar

Mix drys. Mix wets in a different bowl. Combine together, barely stirring until it just comes together. Do not overstir! Mix the apple and walnuts together in a separate bowl.

Drop by the large spoonfuls on a hot griddle. Add a handful of the apple/walnut mixture on top of the pancakes. When there are bubbles on the pancakes, flip them over and cook the other side.

Serve with your choice of:
apple jelly
maple syrup
peanut butter
honey butter

and a big glass of apple cider!





All photos courtesy and copyright Wandering Educators. 



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