The Light Nearby: Creating Music & Pursuing a Passion

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Dec 24, 2014 / 0 comments

Marc Freccero - note this name, for he is making a difference. As we all know, travel can be done a zillion ways - each person has their own ways of traveling. That is what makes reading and writing about travel so interesting - the enormous variety of viewpoints and ways we expeirence the world.

So back to Marc Freccero - traveler, DJ, pursuer of dreams. His journey is an extremely interesting one, and one that is symbolic of how people travel today - seeking meaningful experiences, connecting with locals, and following your passions. I am so impressed with his vision, drive, and commitment to music that I was eager to share his words and photos with our Wandering Educators. Take a look...


DJing at Mystik. Marc Freccero

DJing at Mystik


Please tell us about your journey this year....

It was absolutely insane, to say the least. Definitely the hardest months of my life but also the most fulfilling. The idea, called The Light Nearby Project, was this: Travel around the country for 10 months, visit 10 different cities, and produce a song about each city while I was there. In addition, I would be living completely out of my van the entire time. My ultimate goal was to get my name out there as a DJ/Music Producer and also to inspire other people to pursue what they love.


Producing in a gym, Portland, OR. Marc Freccero

Producing in a gym, Portland, OR


What inspired you to travel around the US?

I love traveling, making music, performing and motivating other people. As a result, I decided to combine everything into one project. I decided to travel around the US, as oppose to a local area, because I wanted to explore the country and really make a name for myself. Certain parts of the US were like being in another country, and it was amazing to see the diverse cultures and vibes everywhere.


Parkour demonstration, Boulder, CO. Marc Freccero

Parkour demonstration, Boulder, CO



You had an idea about your journey - what you'd explore and find - when you started. But what did you find, after all?


Honestly, I didn't expect the tour to be as difficult as it was. For the most part, I expected it to be difficult and for me to experience a ton of new things, and I kept an open mind for the entire time. But I didn't expect to experience everything I did, as each city was life changing in its own way.


Sometimes following a dream is difficult - and worth all the challenges. What's your best advice for people, to encourage them to follow their dreams?

Pick what you truly love and never stop working for it. It is extremely difficult at points, but I always remind myself that when I'm lying on my death bed I would regret it if I gave up. The difficult points are always temporary, and they are replaced by doing what you truly love without any regrets of worries.


DJing presentation, Redwood, CA.Marc Freccero

DJing presentation, Redwood, CA


What's up next for you?

As of right now, I'm working heavily on the post production of the album. I plan to release it on March 3rd, so I've been working non-stop to get everything ready by then!


DJing the Parkour Festival, Austin, TX. Marc Freccero

DJing the Parkour Festival, Austin, TX.



How can people learn more about your journey, music, etc.?

You can listen to all my music @, although there are just DJ & Motivational Mixes up right now as I haven't released any of my tracks yet.


Is there anything else you'd like to share?

Thanks again, Jessie, for featuring me on your site! Other than that, just a reminder to everyone that time is way too short and to quote Paulo Coelho, "One day you'll wake up and won't be able to do the things you've always wanted to do. So do them now."




All photos courtesy and copyright Marc Freccero.

