My Experience as a student in Germany - Study Abroad Experience

by Ed Forteau /
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Dec 24, 2012 / 0 comments



Have you ever asked yourself, how is it to go in an unknown country and try to do things all by yourself? To start growing up, to start being responsible for yourself and accept everyday life challenges? How it feels to wake up in the morning and start doing things all on your own? Well, that is what study abroad life is about. When I was in Germany, I was totally on my own; the worst was that I did not have a very good knowledge of the German language. Firstly catching the plane, than traveling to Germany, meeting new people, finding the right place to live, visiting new cities and learning a new language - all of these things have created a perfect picture of a life adventure as an abroad student.

Packing for Germany:

Packing is a challenge. Deciding which clothes to wear, what to put in our suitcase than it is really a challenge in its own. Prioritizing your things is a great way to be organized while you are packing. Get a note and write the things that you need, than start by putting them on your suitcase and put an x in everything that you have put in your suitcase. This is a good practice because you will not forget about small things. It is funny but when I was packing for Germany, I forgot my toothbrush, even though it is very important, but fortunately it wasn’t expensive to purchase one in Germany. So take this advice, always write down a list of things that you want to get and need to have while traveling as you will save time on packing and also won’t forget important products and clothes.

Hamburg, Germany - from My study abroad experience in Germany

Flying overseas:
Am I afraid from flights? Hmm.. No, let’s be honest, yes I’m afraid. Even though it wasn’t my first time flying overseas, I was still afraid. Looking from the window and seeing the plane wing, wondering to myself, what if the engine on the wing stops, it is funny how my imagination worked up there, huh? But after ten minutes or so, I was starting to feel very comfortable. It was a very interesting feeling, knowing that I will go in an unknown country, seeing a great picture of Europe from the sky and eating dinner in the plane, was like dreaming in the sky.

Landing in Germany:
Still feeling afraid, when the plane goes up and when it lands, it is that kind of feeling that makes you feel somehow strange, that strange feeling in your stomach. If you have traveled by plane, you know exactly what I mean. Anyway, Berlin airport was great and even though I didn’t know a lot of German, there were some peoples who spoke English with me in airport. From then I knew that the language will not be a barrier for me. I always thought that Germans were not very friendly but I was wrong because even in airport you could talk to anyone in English and they would try to help you, even if they do not know English.

I have experiences for finding accomodation in Canada as an abroad student but it is pretty different process from the one in Germany. Firstly you should make a list on what you want to have on your room. After that you need to know where you can get help if anything gets broken. In Canada it was easy as you could use internet to make search and find companies which would help you to do so.


University fees and Living Cost:
Is living in Germany expensive? Well, if you are from USA, Canada, or Australia, you will find Germany is a very cheap country. Tuition fees in German universities are low (80 Euros – 400 Euros) per semester.  Food and rent are not expensive too. Student insurance is not so high. 

Working Abroad: 

Some students find it hard to find a job while studying abroad. It is not hard at all, if you are a person like me that wants to pay tuition fees by yourself than you should taking in considerationg part time jobs as an opportunity to make money to cover your personal expenses.  i've worked as freelance writer, doing essay writing for peoples who needed and i also wrote college essays. It was great experience for me.

Learning Languages:  

Learning a completly unknown language can be taught for most of you. For me learning the language was not hard because i learned German language by looking movies, visiting german sites, forums and discussion sites. Nowdays I learn Russian as I'm thinking to go to Moscow for a PHD. Online communities, sites and diccussion forums and youtube can be a great starters for those who want to learn a new languge. 

Traveling and studying abroad can be a life-changing experience. Depending on the country you have chosen to study, the experience can differ, but the same things apply to all students anywhere. Choosing the University, packing, traveling, learning the language, and financing your studies. That’s all about studying abroad. If you can manage your life during your studies, you can manage your life in any circumstance.


