"Yak Butter Blues" - A Pilgrimage Across Tibet

by ARoadRetraveled /
ARoadRetraveled's picture
Dec 02, 2008 / 1 comments



There are very few books that I read and can’t put down until I finish the last page. Usually, they’re books about real life experiences and events. “Yak Butter Blues” is one such rare treasure. Brandon Wilson, author and world traveler, has taken backpacking through exotic places to extremes. In “Yak Butter Blues”, Brandon, his wife, and horse Sadhu walked from Lhasa –Tibet, to Katmandu – Nepal following an ancient Tibetan pilgrimage path. They literally crossed Tibet on foot all the while battling unexpected high altitude illness, extreme weather conditions, lack of food, dangerous and uncharted terrain – their very survival threatened on a daily basis.  Through his book, we get a rare glimpse of the people, culture, and religion in rural Tibet, a life we are not privy to as it’s kept well hidden from the West.

For more information on Brandon Wilson, his books and amazing adventures, be sure to visit his website: www.PilgrimsTales.com

In this episode, Brandon Wilson joins us via video from Hawaii to talk to us about Tibet and his incredible journey.

  EP.#32 YakButter Blues TIBET


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