November Artist of the Month: Kristen Fox
Ah, the power of twitter and social media! I found the coolest artist on twitter, and fell in love with her incredible art. I knew, at once, that our Wandering Educators would also be impressed with her detailed Celtic art, gorgeous colors, and variety of designs. Our featured November artist? Kristen N. Fox. Kristen has a variety of art that she creates - besides her Celtic art, she's a talented photographer, does mixed media, and also has created some magnificent watercolors. I am most attracted to her detailed Celtic art - beautiful knotwork, deep, rich colors, and new designs.
Celtic Clockwork
I was lucky enough to sit down and talk with Kristen, about her art, and the story behind it. Here's what she had to say...
La Conciergerie watercolor
WE: Please tell us about your art...
KF: As a self-taught artist, my work usually falls into the 'whatever I feel like creating' category, but most often I create Celtic art, watercolor paintings, and digital photography, both realistic and abstract. (Occasionally I've also been known to sketch, dapple in colored pencil, and do a few acrylic paintings as well.)
My Celtic art style is rather unique - it combines a lot of traditional geometric elements like knotwork and spirals, but in non-traditional ways. The knotwork itself can get pretty intricate, but after you learn a basic technique the drawing itself can almost be a meditation, making all of those over and under weaves! Although some of my Celtic pieces are essentially abstract or like geometrical mandalas, I also love to combine knotwork and spirals with physical objects, like the Celtic Compass, Celtic Sun-Moon Hourglass, or the Celtic Tree of Life pieces.
Celtic Leaf Transformation
Somewhere in California watercolor
My watercolor paintings usually happen when I'm taking a break from the more rigid structures of the Celtic art. The abstracts are especially fun as once I lay down the initial structure with light pencil, I'm free to sink into a frame of mind that's all colors and water and flow.
The realistic paintings are a bit more of a challenge for me, as watercolors are a lot more about the shape of a patch of color being layed down, than actual brushstrokes (as in acrylic paints, for example.) I have to concentrate on shape instead of what I think a certain part of the painting is SUPPOSED to look like - if I just do each different shape the end product will usually come together on its own.
Cosmic Ribbons
Digital photography also lets me get into yet another frame of mind. I enjoy finding small details which, when the photo is taken in macro mode, very close up, reveals a whole new world. Sometimes you can't even tell what the physical object is that I'm shooting - I love that! It's also a good excuse to get out of the house and get some fresh air.
Hot Celtic Dragonfly
Cabbage Fractal Photograph
WE: How/when did you start becoming an artist?
KF: My first memory is of drawing on the wall in my bedroom when I was a little kid - with ball point pen. I think after that my mother made sure I always had crayons and paper around. I also remember that one of my favorite coloring books was a set of huge, individual snowflakes. I loved the symmetry and geometry of the designs - I didn't realize until much older that they would have been considered 'mandalas'. Another thing I remember from my childhood is taking a pad of cheap newsprint paper and drawing out house floorplans - a new one on each page. Such an odd thing for a kid to do, but I think I liked the creativity and challenges inherent in a given structure (variations on a theme), which is very similar the approach I take with the Celtic work, now that I think about it.
When I got into high school, I also discovered that I enjoyed writing too and developed those skills as well, both fiction and non-fiction, usually expository articles on various subjects. (Mostly I wrote when I wanted to explain something to MYSELF, and then ended up sharing the results.) In college, I sort of mashed all of my interests together with a Bachelor of Science in Technical Communications and a minor in Computer Science (Clarkson University), developing the 'graphic design' aspect of my artistic tendencies. Later I ended up creating my own websites, coding my own html, designing the layout, and then using the websites to sell my art.
Celtic Cross
Creation Myth watercolor
WE: What do you draw inspiration from?
KF: For my Celtic art, I love to soak up classic Celtic elements in works of art like the Book of Kells, and I have a number of artist friends who also do original Celtic art. Every one has a different style and focus, and I'm always awed and inspired when they share their latest pieces. There are also a TON of great painting and photography sites online, which jump start my right brain if I feel a little uninspired. And sometimes I just browse through some of the catalogs that find their way to our house - flipping through the pages is a great way to daydream! I also belong to a number of websites where people share their paintings, photography, block prints, etc., so I'm never at a loss for terrific art to inspire - don't you just love the internet?
Celtic Butterfly
Birthday box watercolor
WE: Where are your favorite places to create art?
KF: I do most of my art at home - either at my art table and/or on the computer. I hand draw the Celtic designs, then scan them into the computer and finish them digitally. I actually use triangles, rulers, compasses, protractors, and other technical equipment when setting up most of the Celtic pieces, as it requires a bit of planning and forethought, so I like to have all my equipment in one place. I do most of my photography when I'm out on a walk around the house, as we have some terrific vistas here. And lots of cool wildlife too!
Celtic Doorway
Sunny sunflowers watercolor
WE: What do you enjoy creating most?
KF: Whatever I happen to be in the middle of? Seriously though, if I had to choose a favorite, at the moment, it would be the Celtic art. The complexities are very challenging and very satisfying at the same time.
Celtic Puzzle Square
Color shards watercolor
WE: How can readers find and purchase your art?
KF: My fine art prints (framed or unframed) of my Celtic art, as well as paintings and photography, are available via my gallery at Imagekind.
I sell my Celtic and fine art designs (as well as other quirky stuff) on t-shirts, tile keepsake boxes, ornaments, greeting cards and many other neat products in my online shop:
Also, I have a weblog where I post new art, daily happenings & photos, or anything that strikes my fancy: .
Celtic Tarot Squares
Celtic Letter G
WE: Is there anything else you'd like to share with us?
KF: There's a lot of talk about what art is or isn't. I like thinking of art more as a verb than a noun or an end product. It's not so much what you're making, just that you ARE making it.
Celtic Trinity Knot
WE: Thanks so much, Kristen! Your work is extraordinary, and I loved hearing the story behind the art!
Again, to purchase any of Kristen's gorgeous art, please see:
and at her Imagekind Gallery.
Atomic Blue (Macro-photography)
All photos courtesy and copyright of Kristen Fox.
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Amazing artwork and I love the many varieties of Kristen's work.
Thanks for the heads-up and the great interview - I will be adding her blog link to some of my art-related blogs as well as linking to this interview.
And it isn't just my Celtic heritage speaking! jude
Annette Piper
Stunning work! I would happily own any (or all!) of Kristen's creations!
Sam Pounder
Thanks so much for sharing your art with the WE community. I truly enjoyed it.