Travel Photos: Butterflies at Meijer Gardens

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Mar 20, 2009 / 4 comments

One of our very favorite things to do on the cusp of spring is to head to Frederik  Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Every spring, they have a special butterfly exhibit in their large conservatory, which teaches visitors about the life cycle of the butterfly - and provides thousands of butterflies for visitors to watch!



Come along with me as we meander through the walkways. Smell the lovely tropical air, and feel the warmth as winter recedes in the face of such tropical beauty...


 Meijer Gardens Butterfly Exhibit


Meijer Gardens Butterfly Exhibit



Meijer Gardens notes:

"Foremost's Butterflies Are Blooming is Meijer Gardens' most popular annual exhibition and the largest temporary tropical butterfly exhibit in the nation. March 1–April 30, visitors can escape the Michigan winter and mingle with more than 6,000 tropical butterflies flying free in the 15,000-square-foot Lena Meijer Tropical Conservatory.

The exhibition boasts more than 40 different species from the Far East, Africa and Central America. Each week hundreds of chrysalises arrive at Meijer Gardens and are painstakingly sorted, inspected, labeled and pinned in our sealed Butterfly Bungalow. The chrysalises are then placed in a special emergence area of the Bungalow where visitors can witness through a window their magical transformation into butterflies!

Once ready to be released into the Conservatory, the butterflies are placed on plants where they acclimate to the environment and gain strength before taking to the air. It's a wonderful place for photos and just one of the opportunities for visitors to observe the butterflies up-close and personal. Throughout the tropical environment, butterflies can be viewed drinking nectar from the flowering plants and feeding stations, lighting on the odd nose or shoulder, and congregating along the stream beds, as well as in flight all around. "



Meijer Gardens Butterfly Exhibit


Meijer Gardens Butterfly Exhibit


Meijer Gardens Butterfly Exhibit


Meijer Gardens Butterfly Exhibit


Meijer Gardens Butterfly Exhibit


Meijer Gardens Butterfly Exhibit


Meijer Gardens Butterfly Exhibit


Meijer Gardens Butterfly Exhibit


Meijer Gardens Butterfly Exhibit


Meijer Gardens Butterfly Exhibit



For more information on the Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park, please see:



This photo essay is part of a larger series of Travel Photos, hosted by Delicious Baby. Head over to to view them!



Comments (4)

  • familyadventure...

    15 years 11 months ago

    I loved the colors of the butterflies.  Makes me bummed I missed Butterfly month at the Wild Animal Park.  One of these years...

    Bridget Smith

    Founder Family Adventure Guidebooks

    Author, The Unauthorized Guide to Legoland, California

  • globalgal

    15 years 11 months ago

    Really beautiful butterflies! I had to go back and check to make sure this is really Michigan! (Cuz I imagine it too cold for this!) Reminds me of a butterfly park I went to when I lived in Costa Rica. Very inspiring post for Spring!

  • caroli7

    15 years 11 months ago

    I always love those butterfly exhibits. You got me ready to go enjoy a bit of spring already! Great photos, I especially love that last one, by the stream.

  • Dominique-Midwe...

    15 years 11 months ago

    We've thought about driving out to GR to the gardens. You have some really nice shots here, and I know it isn't always easy to get a shot as the butterflies are fluttering around you!

    These photos remind me a lot of the butterfly house at the Detroit Zoo--also a great place to take photos.


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