Online Cooking Class: Live from Italy!

Ashley in Italy's picture

La Tavola Marche's next LIVE from ITALY: Online Cooking Class is Sunday, January 19th - direct from our kitchen in Le Marche!


Cooking Class: Live from Italy!


The class will focus on not only the recipes at hand but the technique and theories behind each dish.  It's more than just watching an episode of a cooking show on television, because this is not only live but interactive! Students/viewers will have the chance to ask questions along the way since all the cooking is done LIVE! Either join in the fun and cook along with us or sit back and watch with a glass of wine.  This week's menu will include Roasted Butternut Squash Salad with Onion & Oregano and Whole Fish in Salt Crust!  




Fish can sometimes be intimidating to clean and cook, it's not the first thing people tend to make at home. Many of our guests/cooking students have said, "Sure when I go out to dinner, I ALWAYS order fresh fish but have never have tried to make it at home!" Well, this class is for you!

In case you are wondering what our cooking classes look like, here's a glimpse...





Details: LIVE from ITALY: Online Cooking Class on Sunday, 19 January 2014

Early Broadcast: 1pm EST / 10am PST
Late Broadcast: 4pm EST / 1pm PST
(The class will last about an hour in duration.)
Cost: $5

To register, email: info[at]

Please send an email and include your preferred time slot (Early or Late). Once payment is received (via PayPal) we will send you the recipes, ingredients & equipment list plus the all important pre-class prep list!

Hope you join us in the kitchen on Sunday!



Roasted Butternut Squash with Red Onion, Oregano and Mint: Recipe Click Here!


Roasted Butternut Squash with Red Onion, Oregano and Mint

Roasted Butternut Squash with Red Onion, Oregano and Mint


Fish in Salt Crust: Recipe Click Here!

For this dish you can use any round, whole fish (trout, bronzino, orata, striped bass) between 1-2lbs (.5 - 1 kilo). Stay away from a flat fish such as sole.


Fish in Salt Crust - recipe and live cooking class

Fish in Salt Crust




Ashley Bartner is the Living in Italy Editor for Wandering Educators. You can find her recipes, photos, and more at:



All photos courtesy and copyright Ashley Bartner




