Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

by Heather Robinette /
Heather Robinette's picture
Nov 14, 2016 / 0 comments

While I was studying abroad, getting to class was just part of my day to day activities in order to be in class. But, looking back, getting to class was part of the adventure as well. You don’t consider the small details until you reflect on your time abroad. Although it took me almost an hour to get to class, I had come to really enjoy my commute because I was able to exercise, spend time outside, and meet new people. So don’t fret if you end up living in a different area of London! It's doable, and a very interesting journey.

Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

The Shock

When I first learned how far away the school was from where I was staying, I was a little nervous. A few days in London and I had to figure out how to get from my room to class across a major city that I just moved about stress. My home university was located in an area together, so it wasn’t too difficult to get around - and the dorms were located on campus. Going to school in London was the complete opposite of everything I had known. I wasn’t living in a dorm on campus and it wasn’t a ten-minute walk to class. What did I get myself into? 


Although the first few days were shaky, I eventually was able to get into a routine where going to class became an unconscious effort and I started to enjoy the time. Unlike in the states, riding the tube meant you could read or talk with people around you. There was no stressful traffic. Looking back, that experience was pivotal in helping me feel more independent and being able to work on my problem solving skills, not to mention my map reading skills. By the end of my time in London, I really tried to take in my last few walks to class, knowing I was about to go back to a completely different world. 

My Route

I enjoyed my route to school so much that I took the time to document it so I could show everyone back home, plus I could look back and still be able to see small details that I may have forgotten. I hope to return to London in the next few years and take the same pictures again to see how much my route has changed in 5 years. Here's my route in 47 steps:

1.    Leave International House
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

2.    Go Right
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

3.    On Lambeth Road
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

4.    Continue Walking to Corner
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

5.    Use Crosswalk to Go Left Across the Street
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

6.    Walk Down the Street
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

7.    On Kennington Road
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

8.    Continue Walking Past Mailboxes
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

9.    Continue Down the Street
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

10.    Past the Church on the Other Side of the Street
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

11.    Cross the Street to Lambeth North Tube Station
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

12.    Enter Lambeth North
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class
13.    Scan Oyster Card
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

14.    Take the Elevator Down
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

15.    Walk Down the Hallway
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

16.    Arrive on the Platform
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

17.    Lambeth North Sign
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

18.    Bakerloo Line Map
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

19.    Get on the Tube and Mind the Gap
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

20.    Arrive at Regent’s Park
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

21.    Regent’s Park Tube Station Sign
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

22.    Follow Way Out Signs and Take the Elevator Up
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

23.    Go Up the First Flight of Stairs
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

24.    Go Up the Second Flight of Stairs
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

25.    Come Out of the Tube Station
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

26.    Take a Right
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

27.    Walk by Regent’s Park Across the Street
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

28.    On Marylebone Road
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

29.    Cross the Street
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

30.    Continue Walking Down the Street
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

31.    Pass by JFK
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

32.    Cross the Street
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

33.    Continue Walking
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

34.    Walk Past Great Portland Tube Station
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

35.    Cross the Street
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

36.    A Church Across the Street
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

37.    Continue Walking
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

38.    Turn Down Cleveland Street
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

39.    On Cleveland Street
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

40.    Continue Down the Street Past the Houses
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

41.    Continue Down the Street Past the Shops
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

42.    Cross the Intersection
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

43.    Go Past the Graffiti Wall
Banksy's graffiti. From Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

44.    Continue Walking
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

45.    Turn Right Toward the Building
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

46.    Walk Up the Steps
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class

47.    Enter the Building
Studying Abroad in London: The Art of Getting to Class


Getting to class or just getting around London can be an adventure of its own. Don’t worry if you get lost a few times, I can admit that I did. I hope I’ve been able to provide insight into what it is like to get from point A to point B since you don’t hear much about it until you are trying to do it yourself. Enjoy your adventure! 

Have you recently traveled by any of my spots on the route? Have they changed? Let me know!


Heather Robinette is the London Study Abroad Editor for Wandering Educators. She notes, "During the summer of 2011, I studied abroad for six weeks in London at the University of Westminster with Academics Programs International. I graduated from Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS in December 2012 with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. I currently work as a marketing analyst for a small company in central Texas. I currently work as a marketing coordinator for a real estate firm in Las Vegas, NV. I am also pursuing my MBA. While I was abroad in London, I was able to create many unforgettable memories that I will never forget! My study abroad experience helped me gain various skills, but above all else, it helped me to learn more about myself and the world around me." You can find her online at

Click here to read more of Heather's articles about studying abroad in London.

All photos courtesy and copyright Heather Robinette, except word photo, creative commons
