Artist of the Month: Dimitry Domani

by Kim Rodeffer Funk /
Kim Rodeffer Funk's picture
Jan 02, 2017 / 0 comments

The painter and sculptor Dimitry Domani has an amazing story. Born in Romania, he grew up under the communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu. In 1978, Dimitry and five friends walked 75 miles trying to escape his oppressive homeland. They walked at night, swam the Danube River, and walked 5 more miles into Yugoslavia, where they were captured by the Yugoslavian police. At this point, he became a political prisoner in another communist country. After a year, he was taken to the Austrian border and allowed to walk to a police station, where he was placed in a refugee camp for an additional 2 years.

In 1981, after many interviews at the American Embassy in Vienna, he was allowed to come to the US, where he began to create again. The freedom he must have felt after all of those oppressive years of not being able to create as he wished must have been amazing. He studied and worked hard, and now is a successful artist living and working in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

His abstract and realistic work can be found in various galleries in the United States. One special place his work is on permanent exhibition is at the Romanian Embassy in Washington, DC. I hope you will join me in exploring the work of this wonderful artist.

Enigma. Artist Dmitry Domani

How long have you been an artist? 
I have been an artist all my life. I was drawing when I was a little kid, and all I wanted to be was an Artist - so I went to Art school after finishing high school, and have been creating sculptures and painting since.

Is your art your full-time career? 
Yes, I am a full time painter and sculptor. However, from time to time I make molds and do Patina for other Artists.

Donatela. Artist Dmitry Domani


Where do you work and how long have you been there? 
I came to United States in 1981 as a political refugee, and lived in Los Angles for a couple of years. In 1984, I moved to Denver and lived there for 4 years. I moved to Santa Fe in 1988, and lived and worked there for 22 years. In 2010, I moved to Durango, CO, and moved back in Santa Fe in 2016 and plan on living here and working from Santa Fe.

Billy. Artist Dmitry Domani


Do you have favorite places you like to create? 
I always carry a sketch book with me and when I get inspired or an idea comes to me, I am ready no matter where I am.

Guardian Angel by artist Dmitry Domani

Guardian Angel

What does a typical day look like? Is there a typical day? 
My days are usually the same - after I am up and have my breakfast, I take my dogs for a walk, then I head to the studio to work.

Anastasia by artist Dmitry Domani


What materials do you prefer? 
I work on all mediums.

Seated Nude by artist Dmitry Domani

Seated Nude

Where/how are you inspired? 
I can be inspired any time and any place. There is no particular place. At times, my wife (Nadine) gives me ideas, or maybe a friend.

Body of Evidence by artist Dmitry Domani

Body of Evidence 

How do you know when your piece is ready? 
This is a tough one. There is always more to do on a piece. As an artist, I always find something more to do on a piece. A couple of years ago, I was working on a painting and someone came to the studio and asked when the painting was going to be finished. As a joke, I told him when it is sold. He said, OK, sign it, I am buying it for my daughter. I will never forget that.

For Your Eyes Only by artist Dmitry Domani

For Your Eyes Only

Do you work on more than one piece at a time? 
Yes, I do. Sometimes I have 3 paintings and 3 sculptures going at the same time. If I get tired or bored working on one, I move to the next and start something else.

Crazy Horse by artist Dmitry Domani

Crazy Horse

If you were not painter/sculptor, what would you do? 
I like to work with my hands, so I would probably work as a welder or work in construction or something like that.

How can our readers find and purchase your art? 
They can go to my website,, or they can call me at 505-570-7758 or visit my studio at 2882 Traders West Road Unit H, Santa Fe, NM 87507.

Would you like to share anything else with us? 
I love my wife, my dogs and my friends but most of all, I love life.

Shampoo by artist Dmitry Domani




Kim Rodeffer Funk is the Art Editor for Wandering Educators. She notes, "I am an abstract painter and have enjoyed living a creative life for many years. In 2012, I co-founded Atelier 325 with Andrea Hupke de Palacio, and today show my art in Europe and the United States."

You can find her at



All photos courtesy and copyright Dmitry Domani




