A Real Father's Love


The much-loved FATHER – Stratis Evangelinelis – of my dear friend and host here in Athens – Christos Evangelinelis died this week after several dignified weeks in which he had the grace and good-will to say "good-bye" to his family, long-time friends, and former students and colleagues. 

This amazing man led a family that "adopted" me during months when I lived in Athens related to my art-work here. This family allowed me to experience the joy of FAMILY when I was invited for Christmas, New Years, or simply 'Sunday dinner.'  I hope the family has some idea of what those times meant to me – I may have had a 'biological' father, but I never experienced what a FATHER could be until I experienced the unconditional love and acceptance of Stratis Evangelinelis. 

I am often asked WHY I return so often to a country where I have no family.  My answer is because of the love and acceptance that I feel when I come here -- the family of Stratis Evangelinelis IS THE FAMILY I picture when I answer that question. The family knows I love them, and they are beginning to know HOW MUCH I love them. Bless you and thank you Stratis – your love and your smile of welcome will live forever in my heart.

A Real Father's Love

Josh Garrick is the Florida Arts Editor, and the 'honorary' Editor for Greece, as well, for Wandering Educators


