Artist of the Month: Jessalyn Kline

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Mar 01, 2019 / 0 comments

We first met our Artist of the Month, Jessalyn Kline, at the 2018 Kalamazoo Institute of Arts High School Art Show. She had a gorgeous embroidered piece of art, full of meaning, color, and beauty. Of course, I asked her to share it with our wandering educators. You, too, will be amazed at her range of creativity, her eye for detail, and her passion for creating. Without further ado, the art and words of Jessalyn Kline...

Embroidered art. Artist Jessalyn Kline
This embroidery piece was made in remembrance for the puppy my family and I had lost. She was very important to me and inspired me to create a piece in her honor. It took around two months to complete and won the Mayor's Choice Award at the Kalamazoo Institute of Art's Regional Teen Show.  

How long have you been an artist?
I have been an artist for about 6 years. The first piece I sold was a painting at the age of 13, but I have been creating since many years before that though. 

Faces. Artist Jessalyn Kline
Faces in Spain. Artist Jessalyn Kline
This piece was inspired by the "faces" in a mountain region in Spain. When looking at the stone "faces" I knew there was potential for a project and when I came home I started on this! Most recognizable is the green elongated face that looks quite similar to the photograph. 

Is your art your full-time career?
Art is not my full time career yet. At the moment I am a student but I work with amazing artists that are located in Kalamazoo! 

Spain. Artist Jessalyn Kline
This photo was taken from the trip I took with my school to Spain and was a featured piece in my Art Hop show in October of 2017. 

Artist Jessalyn Kline
This photo was my first submission to the Kalamazoo Institute of Art's teen show and it was accepted into the 2017 show!

Where do you work?  How long have you been there?
I work as a babysitter, studio assistant, and second shooter for a wedding photographer. I have been a studio assistant at 'Things of Steel' for 2 1/2 years and I just started my position as a second shooter for Christopher Deau Photography. 

Wedding photo. Artist Jessalyn Kline
Artist Jessalyn Kline
Artist Jessalyn Kline
These photos were from the first wedding I shot. A friend of mine had me take extra shots of her big day for fun and the images that came out of it are some of my favorites. 

Do you have favorite places you like to create?
My favorite place to create is the dining room in my parents home. I have taken it over as my work area and there are countless art supplies in every corner. My mom is constantly asking me to shovel off some of the items I have on the table, but my projects often take the entirety of the surface area. 

Artist Jessalyn Kline
These paintings were commissioned pieces from this past summer. The end result was covered in the families finger prints and had a special label at the bottom. They were made, of course, at my parent's dining table.

What does a typical day look like?  Is there a typical day?
A typical day for me starts with going to school and ends with my several art projects being worked on at the dining table. Although every day is different, I am usually working on one of my many projects. 

Imagining China. Artist Jessalyn Kline
This is a watercolor I created for a contest called "Imagining China". It wound up winning first place and I now have a blender to show off whenever I'm asked what my prize was. 

What materials do you prefer?
The materials I prefer change depending on the medium I am working on, but can mostly be bought at any art supply store. 

Where/How are you inspired?
What I am inspired by changes with every project I have. Sometimes inspiration comes from a book I've read or an event in my life, but mostly from how I feel and what the premise of the piece is. 

How do you know when your piece is done?
Identifying when a piece is done usually consists of making slight changes and touch-ups here and there until the idea I have has been executed to my satisfaction.

Do you work on one or more pieces at a time?
I work on several pieces at a time, but I often focus on one more than the others. Working on other pieces allows my artistic mentality to continue, but can be stressful when multiple deadlines overlap.

If you were not an artist, what would you do?
If I wasn't an artist, I'd want to work in humanitarianism. Most likely volunteer work in Spanish speaking countries with children or teens. I've always loved helping others and I have been speaking Spanish for many years now. 

Self-portrait. Artist Jessalyn Kline
This piece is a watercolor and ink self-portrait that took about seven months to complete. It is a metaphor that personifies the struggles of the depression and the anxiety that I have experienced. The flowers covering my face represent the "mask" I used in everyday life to hide the fact that I was struggling. The roots that make up my body keep me grounded and show the tangled mess mental health is. The demons and threatening items in the background represent the demons I constantly had tormenting my thoughts and mind. 

How can our readers find and purchase your art?
You can find and purchase my art on my Instagram account 'jklineartdesign'! The mediums I work with are photography, embroidery, watercolor, and much more. 

Winter wonderland. Artist Jessalyn Kline
This embroidery piece was made for a silent charity auction. The theme I had in mind was "winter wonderland". I wanted to make something easily transported and something easily hung up, so the hoop remained and the piece was sold!

Would you like to share anything else with us?
The first solo show I had was in Art Hop in October of 2017 and it was primarily photography from my trip to Spain with my high school. I was seventeen and I was one of the youngest to ever have their own solo show in Art Hop! It was an absolutely wonderful experience and a great way to debut my art to a wider range of people. 

Spain. Artist Jessalyn Kline
This photo was taken from the trip I took with my school to Spain and was a featured piece in my Art Hop show in October of 2017. 



All photos courtesy and copyright Jessalyn Kline

