Photographer Spotlight: Scott Youmans

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Jan 12, 2022 / 0 comments

It was a water photo that drew me in, of course. A snow-covered rock up on Minnesota’s North Shore, sun peeking through icicles, wave movement, sea smoke, the gorgeous clouds of sunrise…Minneapolis photographer Scott Youmans captured magic in that moment, and shared it with us all. 

Hollow Rock Resort, Grand Portage, Minnesota. From Photographer Spotlight: Scott Youmans
Hollow Rock Resort, Grand Portage, Minnesota

Naturally, I traversed weeks (nay, months!) of his Instagram feed, and fell in love with his vision of our world. Northern Minnesota is a wild place filled with beauty; most only take time to see that beauty in summer, but it is even more magnificent in winter. His photographic range is wide; he has an extraordinary eye and shares such joy of nature, and, with his portraits, a glimpse into what it is to be human. 

MCTC Fashion Weekend. From Photographer Spotlight: Scott Youmans
MCTC Fashion Weekend

Finding a rhythm with portraits. From Photographer Spotlight: Scott Youmans
Finding a rhythm with portraits

Without further ado, the art and words of Scott Youmans…

Self-portrait. From Photographer Spotlight: Scott Youmans

How did you get interested in photography?
Long story shortish, I was burned out with working 50-60 hours a week in highly stressful jobs and left my last job as a car salesman. I spent about month in bed and thought a camera would help me get out of the house at least a couple of times a day. Ever since I was 21, I have worked in Restaurant Management then Financial Consultation and finally in Auto Sales/Management. All those jobs did was make me a workaholic that missed out on a lot of family and the little things in life. Photography was a way for me to slow down, enjoy the moment and take a breath. I decided to take a chance and put myself through school with some of the savings I had.

Local chef. From Photographer Spotlight: Scott Youmans
Local chef

South Dakota. From Photographer Spotlight: Scott Youmans

Above and below: South Dakota

South Dakota. From Photographer Spotlight: Scott Youmans

South Dakota. From Photographer Spotlight: Scott Youmans

How long have you been a photographer?
I picked up a camera for a hobby about 3 years ago. Been in school for it about 2 ½ years and in my final semester.

Minnesota State Fair. From Photographer Spotlight: Scott Youmans

above and below: Minnesota State Fair

Minnesota State Fair. From Photographer Spotlight: Scott Youmans

Scenic State Park. From Photographer Spotlight: Scott Youmans
Scenic State Park

What is your favorite place or thing to photograph?
North Shore for sure. Nothing beats Split Rock Lighthouse for a sunrise, just wish it wasn’t 3 hours drive to make it up there in the dark to catch it. 

Split Rock Lighthouse. From Photographer Spotlight: Scott Youmans
Split Rock Lighthouse

Palisade Head North Shore. From Photographer Spotlight: Scott Youmans
Palisade Head North Shore

Split Rock Lighthouse. From Photographer Spotlight: Scott Youmans
Split Rock Lighthouse

How can photographers be a part of change in the world?
We usually have a chance to capture what many others are not able to see. The pictures coming out from the Vietnam War speak volumes about what a photograph can do to change policies, ideas, help create a movement to better the world. 

Seastack Milky Way. From Photographer Spotlight: Scott Youmans
Seastack Milky Way

School project. From Photographer Spotlight: Scott Youmans
School project

Do you have any trips planned for the future, and if so, what are you looking forward to?
Right now, just focused on finishing my photography degree and see where that takes me. 

MCTC Fashion Weekend. From Photographer Spotlight: Scott Youmans
MCTC Fashion Weekend

Two Harbors, Minnesota. From Photographer Spotlight: Scott Youmans
Two Harbors, Minnesota

Any photography tips you want to share?
Learn what the aperture can do for a photograph, create depth of field. My best piece of advice I have received is to find a different path to the photograph. 

Superior Hiking Trail North Shore. From Photographer Spotlight: Scott Youmans
Superior Hiking Trail North Shore

Minneapolis. From Photographer Spotlight: Scott Youmans

Split Rock Lighthouse. From Photographer Spotlight: Scott Youmans
Split Rock Lighthouse

Is there anything else you'd like to share with us?
It’s never too late to try find a better path in life. 

Split Rock Lighthouse. From Photographer Spotlight: Scott Youmans
Split Rock Lighthouse

Find him online:
IG @Scottyoumans23 
FB @Scottyoumans23photography


All photos courtesy and copyright Scott Youmans, used with permission


