Five Tips for End of Summer Travel

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Can you believe that summer is almost over? In fact, some kids are already back in school. Time flies! If you’ve got a few weeks before your kids get back to school, and you're looking for ways to sneak in an end of summer travel hurrah, follow these tips:

Sleeping Bear Dunes as seen from the beach in Empire, Michigan. From Five Tips for End of Summer Travel

Sleeping Bear Dunes as seen from the beach in Empire, Michigan

1. Avoid amusement parks

Whether it is Cedar Point, Kings Island, or another amusement park, you can bet that plenty of other families are trying to pack as much as they can into the few weeks left, and heading there for one or two more times in the next few weeks. If you’d like to have a less stressful end of summer hurrah, skip the amusement park and go for something quieter, like:

2. Take advantage of nature’s bounty

August is full of delicious goodness – peaches, fresh tomatoes, plenty of vegetables. First, go to your local farmer’s market or farm stand, and stock up. Pack a picnic lunch full of this bounty, and head off to a national or state park, or even a local park. Enjoy your meal (and plenty of outdoor games) in the shade, with bathrooms and possibly a lake nearby.

3. Check the fares

The end of August is a great time to travel, because so many families are focused on starting the school year. Take advantage of inexpensive fares, and the continued great weather, to have one more week playing together. Check ahead for places that might be crowded because August is a traditional vacation time (read: Europe!).

4. No money to travel? No time for a staycation? Take a three-day DayCation! 

Try a day at the beach, state park, or museum. The next day, incorporate what you’ve seen and learned in your life – movies, food, books, or doing more research online. The NEXT day, head back to your daycation location. You’ll be familiar with it (might even have favorites), have some knowledge (the best times to see certain paintings, or a picture book about the Sleeping Bear Dunes), and will definitely want to go back.

5. Live in the moment

While the end of summer is at the back of your mind, still try to live in the moment and enjoy yourselves to the fullest. Don’t think about back to school shopping, new fall projects at work, or the sadness that comes at the end of summer. Instead, fly your kites, laugh together, and build even more memories of summer travel goodness.


This article was originally published by Wandering Educators on Technorati in 2012, and republished on Wandering Educators in 2024.