Castello Brancaleoni - A Big Castle in a Tiny Town

by Ashley in Italy /
Ashley in Italy's picture
Jul 20, 2009 / 1 comments

Castle Brancaleoni, Piobbico


I had visited Castello Brancaleoni many times for numerous festivals, concerts & even a fully costumed medieval dinner, but I thought it was about time for a proper tour of the castle that sits above the town where we live. With my family in tow, we weaved our way through the old part of town, over the bridge, through one of the two arched entrances of this walled city- it's medieval baby! - marvelling at the crumbling village surrounding this magnificent castle.

Piobbico, Le Marche

Straight out of a film, the bells began clanging as we approached Castle Brancaleoni, who stands proud & stoic in the shadow of Monte Nerone, for centuries watching over the tiny town of Piobbico.


The castle was built in the 13th Century and was continously occupied by the the Brancaleoni Family through the 17th Century.

For a small town deep in the country the castle is more orante than you may think - beautifully decorated with frescos & stucoes (by F. Brandani), gold leafing & over 130 rooms!

Fresco painted by Giorgio Picchi in 1585

From the court of honor built in 1470 to the hall of dresses & jewllery of a noble family, antique looms & farming equipment - the castle tells the story & paints the picture of ancient life in Piobbico. My imagination goes crazy imagining this castle in its hayday! With a history of pre-Roman settlements, it's no surprise there is a geo-paleontoglogiccal, naturalistic, anthropic Museum with more than 5000 fossils (aging between 2 & 200 million years old!)

Stop by next time you are in town!

Guided visits are available to the Palace & Museum:
Weekdays: 9:00am - 12:00pm / 3:00pm - 7:00pm
Sundays: 10:30am - 1:00pm / 3:00pm - 5:30pm

Ashley Bartner is the Living in Italy Editor for Wandering Educators.

La Tavola Marche Agriturismo & Cooking Holiday



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