Detente When Traveling
An Incident of International Importance at Lock # 3, Welland Canal
She is a rusty old rogue
Casually herded through seas
By a passel of Bombay sailors
To the place where ships climb steps.
American eyes anchored on shore
Feast silently on darkly glistened heads,
Sarongs and sandals askance on rope-strewn deck.
A foreign murmuring.
As the freighter eases her elephant size
Into locked canal waters
The lull is startled by
The shimmer and plink of arcing pennies.
Quick retaliation on the part of the crew
Starts a shower of waves and smiles,
Brotherhood is the word coined
In suddenly clear air.
Note: This is a true incident. I loved the idea of spontaneous action/reaction between the ship's crew and the onlookers on shore with smiling faces everywhere I looked.
from No Name Harbor, Poetry of Barbary Chaapel
Dr. Jessie Voigts
B- maybe your best yet. I LOVE THIS.
Jessie Voigts, PhD