The Francophone World and the Western Hemisphere

by Bert Maxwell /
Bert Maxwell's picture
Jul 01, 2009 / 0 comments

The Francophone World and the Western Hemisphere
July 12-14, 2009
Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY

The Francophone World and the Western Hemisphere is a two-day
conference of some 200 professionals with interest in Francophone
institutions of higher education. The conference will be held at
Buffalo State College and le Bureau des Amériques de l’Agence
universitaire de la Francophonie
has graciously agreed to publicize
our conference on its website. This event is partially funded by the
Faculty Student Association (FSA) at Buffalo State College.

The primary purpose of the conference is to invigorate discussion and
develop an agenda toward increasing cooperation among higher education
institutions in the Francophone world of the Western hemisphere.
secondary purpose of the conference is to help bridge the rupture in
Francophone-Anglophone relations in the multicultural Western
hemisphere. The conference participants will develop action plans
toward long-term collaborative agendas.

Nine topics will be addressed: the humanities, the social sciences,
science and engineering, business and economics, health, education,
the arts, politics and sports.
Deliberations on these topics,
including those concerning the North-South dialogue, will be published
together with action plans in the Conference Proceedings.

The principal sponsors are Buffalo State College, the Quebec
Government and the Canadian Government. Buffalo State College is the
largest of the comprehensive colleges of the State University of New
York. It is located in the Niagara region of the state, in close
proximity to Canada.

This international conference will be interdisciplinary and

Conference registration fee is $400. This fee covers all registration
materials, conference programs, attendance at chosen panels, and all
meals (breakfasts, lunches, afternoon refreshments and dinners).
Participants are responsible for transportation to the conference,
local travel, and hotel accommodations. A block of rooms at discounted
prices for conference attendees, is available at the Holiday Inn.
Transportation to and from the hotel is covered by the registration fee.

Who should attend? All administrators, faculty, scholars and
researchers from Francophone institutions of higher education. Also
encouraged to attend are any individuals interested in the above
topics: independent scholars, representatives from NGOs, foundations,
businesses and government agencies. This conference will provide
opportunities for networking and dialogue among participants.

More info:
