RFGP: Capacity Building for Undergraduate Study Abroad

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Mar 05, 2010 / 0 comments

From our friends at the US Department of State:


 The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs has published a Request for Grant Proposals (RFGP) entitled “One-time Competitive Grants Program -- Competition A--Academic Programs” which includes a component
on “Capacity Building for Undergraduate Study Abroad.” I am writing to alert you to this funding opportunity because of your interest in the Bureau’s exchange programs. I encourage you to pass along this information
to colleagues in the study abroad field who may be interested.

The purpose of this component of the competition is to build the capacity of U.S. institutions of higher education and of potential host institutions abroad to provide study abroad opportunities for U.S. undergraduate students. Proposals should follow one of three models:

(a) U.S. institutions with substantial experience providing study abroad opportunities may partner with international counterparts with limited experience receiving U.S. students in order to expand the capacity
of the foreign partner to host U.S. students, particularly in locations that have been underserved by traditional study abroad programs.

(b) U.S. institutions with substantial experience providing study abroad opportunities may cooperate with less experienced U.S. partner colleges and universities to enable the less experienced institutions to develop
programs with international counterparts or build their study abroad offices through professional visits of administrators, faculty and/or students.

(c) U.S. institutions with limited experience administering study abroad programs may seek to strengthen their study abroad offices or expand their capacity to administer such programs. Budgets for proposals
submitted in this category should not exceed $60,000.

We anticipate an average award amount of $250,000. The deadline for submissions is April 12, 2010. The CFDA number is 19.014. You may find the full text of the RFGP and the Program Objectives, Goals, and
Implementation (POGI) document at the following links:


With best regards,
Amy Forest
Program Officer
Educational Information and Resources Branch
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
U.S. Department of State

We are pleased to offer this newsletter as a way to keep accredited higher education institutions informed about what is happening in our network. To register for the Higher Education Institution listserv (email group) please send an email to educationUSA[at]state.gov along with your name and
position, and the name of your college or university.



All information contained herein provided by the Higher Education Institution Listserv, US Department of State
