Academic Keys -- The Trusted Source for Academic Recruitment

by Bert Maxwell /
Bert Maxwell's picture
May 14, 2008 / 0 comments


One very difficult aspect of academia is that of jobs...posting them, finding them, applying for them.  I found someone who could streamline this whole process and make it (relatively) painless. What a great find! I had a chance to sit down and talk with Nina Grigoreas, Sales & Operations Specialist, at

WE: Tell us a little bit about your company,

NG:  Academic Keys was created to offer universities a venue to efficiently
recruit for higher-level faculty and administrative positions. In doing
so, we enable our clients to target their recruiting efforts to the most
qualified applicants.

Our Company: is the premier source for academic employment. Our 16
discipline-focused sites offer comprehensive information about faculty,
educational resources, research interests, and professional activities
pertinent to institutions of higher education. More than 89% of the top
120 universities (as ranked by US News and World Report) are posting
their available higher ed jobs with Academic Keys.

We are the ideal site for finding the most qualified applicant. We are a
meeting place for those seeking an academic career and those looking to
fill higher ed job openings. Our site is designed for ease of use; it is
separated by academic discipline and candidate level of expertise.

WE: Tell us about your services at

NG: Our services include:

Higher Ed Job Announcements - Higher education institutions may
economically post higher ed job ads. The higher ed job ads are featured
on our website for four months (or six months for multiple position
announcements) and are competitively priced. The website receives
hundreds of thousands of visitors per month Post your higher ed job
announcement and within hours qualified applicants will view it.

e-Fliers - Our clients may also opt to include higher ed job
announcements in our e-Fliers, which we regularly email to a proprietary
list of more than 490,000 individuals in Academia, in addition to
numerous doctoral fellows and senior graduate students. Each e-flier
contains information about current higher ed job openings.

To post your higher ed job announcement, choose the appropriate school
below and click the link to go directly to the Post Higher Ed Job page
for that particular school.

Administration | Agriculture | Business | Community Colleges | Dentistry
| Education

Engineering | Fine Arts | Health Sciences | Humanities | Law | Medicine
Pharmacy | Sciences | Social Sciences | Veterinary Medicine

Candidate Information - Job seekers can post resumes and view available
positions for free. The exclusive privilege of viewing candidates'
resumes is available for clients that post jobs.

Additional Resources - We provide valuable information about faculty and
their expertise at various universities and colleges in our Who's Who
database. We also offer up-to-date news about technical conferences,
funding agencies and technical journals, and provide an extensive list
of useful professional resources available on the World Wide Web.

Our Values:

Honesty - We value the relationships that we have with our clients, site
users, and business partners. Integrity and fairness are at the core of
all our actions. We always seek to be open and candid in all of our
business transactions.

Privacy - We regard our clients and users with respect and will never
sell or provide their information to unauthorized parties.

Future Faculty Grants:           

Community stewardship is an integral part of Academic Keys' culture and
values. Our mission is to be socially responsible through philanthropy
and the ways we operate; thus, we commit 5% of our profits to our Future
Faculty Grants (FFG) Program. The focus of this program is to supplement
the advanced training of post-baccalaureate students who intend to
pursue careers in higher education. Grants are a one-time cash award to
students and post-docs who anticipate starting their academic careers
within the next twelve months. How to apply...

Our site is constantly evolving to better serve our audience.

WE:  Who can use this service?

NG:  The primary audience of our site consists of faculty members at
institutions of higher education, and graduate students who are eager to
learn more about academic careers, opportunities and resources available
in higher education. Other users include private and public funding
agencies, law firms, and academic institutions. Our site receives
hundreds of thousands of visitors per month.

WE: It appears that you have a plethora of resources - is this a
one-stop shop for people in academia?

NG:  Actually, yes! With all of the wonderful resources that we have to
offer, IS a "one-stop shop for people in academia"!

Our other featured services include:

* Resume Posting Services
* Community Forums
* Higher Education News
* "Who's Who In Academia" Listings
* Conference Postings
* Shared Resources
* Future Faculty Grants
* Journals Database
* "The Dropbox"
* Academic Salary Surveys
* Academic Cartoons
* E-Flier Subscription Services
* User Services
* Banner Advertisement Services, etc....

WE: How old is your company? How did it get started?

NG: was started originally in 2001. At the time, it
primarily posted "Engineering" positions. Now, 7 years later, we post
everything from "Agriculture" to "Veterinary Medicine" positions for
universities and community colleges all over the world!

WE:  Is there anything else you'd like to share with us?

NG:  We're very excited about our new Multimedia Portfolio tool! It is an
innovative tool that is available to all job applicants FREE of charge.
Job applicants can upload a collection of various files including: Cover
Letters, CVs/Resumes, Personal Statements, Academic Papers & Documents,
Videos, Pictures, and more.

A job applicant can then build a Multimedia Portfolio from some or all
of these files and send a web link via e-mail directly to any potential
employer with an e-mail address. When the potential employer visits the
web link they will have direct access to the documents and multimedia
the applicant chose to include.

The Multimedia Portfolio is a new frontier in academic

Job applicants may use their multimedia portfolio to...:

* Show potential employers video of your teaching methods
* Post pictures of your latest research, artwork, etc.
* Post your academic papers or powerpoints for review by employers
* This service is completely FREE for you to use!
* Choose your academic discipline, post your CV/resume, and create
a multimedia portfolio right now!

Employers may encourage multimedia portfolios so that they may...:

* Get to know your potential hires before you meet them in person
* View research and other materials your potential hires have created
* Ensure the person you are hiring is the best fit for the position
* Choose your academic discipline and post your job now!

Come visit today to see all of the exciting tools and
services we have to offer!


WE: Thank you, Nina. This is an invaluable service to the academic community! I appreciate you sharing all this information about Academic Keys with our members. For more information, please see


All information contained herein provided by Academic Keys.

Please see our review of MBT Shoes.
