Find Scholarships to Fit all Needs

by Lexa Pennington /
Lexa Pennington's picture
May 02, 2013 / 1 comments

Preparing for college is a scary transition for both children and parents. A teen looking for the right place to study has the major decision of picking where he or she will spend the next few years growing, both emotionally and intellectually. A parent has to deal with the potential of dealing with separation anxiety along with the financial burden this could cause on a family. Continuing education is important, that is if you are interested in having a career that offers you the stable life that every adult desires.

Communicating with your children on the importance of education goes beyond the necessity to choose a career. It is important that they understand the financial aspect as well. Educators also play an important role in aiding students toward the right path. There are many resources for teachers to use when helping to find the appropriate scholarship opportunities. With so many options out there it is possible for everyone to find something that works for them, no matter how little or much may be offered, it all helps.

Find Scholarships to Fit all Needs

Scholarships are often perceived as going to only those with highest test scores, or those that fit into the top percentage of their peers academically. This simply is not the case, and understanding the different types of aid out there is crucial in getting as much money as possible to go toward higher education. From creative writing opportunities, to scholarships catered to certain ethnic groups, to those who offer aid for simply being left handed. There is no shortage of help, there are only people who don't understand how to find the help.

Educators are probably the most influential in helping students reach their success. As students will respect their knowledge and want their help, knowing that this is essential part of their job and by now they see a correlation between the current teachers and the future they desire. If you are a teacher or guidance counselor it is important that you not only promote the different options available, you must also show confidence when translating this information to your students. As they will read into your doubt, and then begin to doubt themselves. is one of the most popular places for students to find additional aid. With many creative ways to earn money for school Zinch offers a wide variety of ways to help. One of the most popular is a weekly essay contest. This contest has a prize of $1,000 toward college and only has a 280 word requirement. Making earning money easy. With 52 opportunities to try, this is just one way Zinch is helping students reach their full potential.

Another great resource for educators to recommend to students is kaarme, this site is helpful in finding scholarships that don't require you login information which keeps from your personal information being transported all over the internet. This site provides only noncommercial scholarship opportunities.

CollegeWeek Live has promotions has weekly events and promotions that could result in winning $1,000 toward the college of your dreams. This site requires registration, but scholarship entry can be done in as little as a few minutes.

Fast Web is another free resource that will provide you with thousands of scholarship opportunities. The extra bonus to using this to find the appropriate scholarships, is that Fast Web offers career planning services and learning tools. All you have to do is register.

Whether you are currently in college and are looking for ways to be able to further your career, an educator helping students to find the perfect fit to help relieve their family of financial strainm or you are a parent trying to have a leg up when figuring out the whole kid in college thing, being smart about scholarships is a great way to find means to help fund your college education.



Comments (1)

  • curtissmith003

    11 years 10 months ago


    I am an educator of 20+ years for high school and college. Every year I tell my students to put in for scholarships because college is expensive and getting more expensive every year. What amazes me is that every year literally millions of dollars of FREE scholarship money goes unclaimed. Many times, only one or a handful of students put in for some of them.  You do not necessarily need to go after the big ones and put your eggs all in one basket. $1,000 or even $500 ones add up. You can reach your expense goals if you are motivated to fill out the applications. I told my son, a junior in high school, to start writing.

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