5 Great Winter Golf Vacation Spots in the USA

by Dana Buttenhoff /
Dana Buttenhoff's picture
Dec 01, 2008 / 1 comments

As December approaches and visions of sugarplums dance in the heads of many golfers here in North America, soon the thought of a winter golf vacation may also appear. The advice I have is to plan early. Some vacation planning experts would consider planning a year in advance, depending on the number of golfers in your group. The important thing is to know your group and to know their personalities. The last thing you want on a winter golf vacation is to have a couple of unhappy campers. The easiest size groups to plan for are either four or eight golfers. Most golf courses and resorts take tee time reservations in foursomes; some will allow groups of three but hardly any will allow groups of five. If you are traveling as couples, know and plan for the golf ability of all players. You can have mixed groups or you can play as individuals. The most important thing to remember is that proper advanced planning can make all the difference in a successful and memorable golf vacation and one that you would much rather forget.

There are great golf destinations around the world, but for the purpose of this article these 5 great locations are all located in the continental United States.

5 Great Winter Golf Vacation Spots in the USA

Flickr cc: Ashton Smith, adapted by Wandering Educators

1.)    Myrtle Beach, South Carolina has been a favorite golf trip destination for years. There is plenty of variety in golf courses, lodging and dining to make the Myrtle Beach area a top choice for golfers of any level.

2.)    Florida, just the name means sunshine and golf for those of us who reside in the land of the frozen tundra. There are many choices for golf in the Sunshine State and for family friendly vacations many of the resorts have water parks for the kids! 

3.)    Texas, the largest of the lower 48 states, has over 800 golf courses to offer you. The variety of the style and layout of the golf courses in Texas is outstanding, but for my money it doesn’t get any better than the Hill Country in the central area of the state including the cities of San Antonio and Austin. 

4.)    Arizona is well known for its desert target style golf courses and there are many courses in and around the Phoenix area for snowbirds to visit. 

5.)    Palm Springs, California was long the playground of the Hollywood elite to get away from the bright lights of Tinsel Town and with the frequent visits of the Hollywood rich and famous came golf courses for them to enjoy. Located in the Coachella Valley, Palm Springs and the surrounding cities offer numerous choices in golf and nightlife

As you can see, there are plenty of choices for the frustrated golfers who live in the snow covered northern regions. Don’t let the weather stop you, fly to the sun and enjoy a week or two of golf!


Dana Buttenhoff is the Golf Editor for Wandering Educators



Comments (1)

  • Dr. Jessie Voigts

    16 years 3 months ago

    thanks, dana! i think ed will be planning a golf vacation, based on your article. thanks for putting ideas for non-golfers in, too!


    Jessie Voigts

    Publisher, wanderingeducators.com

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