
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This: A Passion for Japan

I've got a book for you that will bring you such joy! A Passion for Japan, edited by John Rucynski, is both an ode to building community, and an interesting, in-depth ethnographic look at being a long-term expat resident in Japan. I LOVE it.

Read This: A Passion for Japan

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

The One Book You Must Read This Year: A Deep Look into a Disappearing Culture

Once in a great while, you come across a book so compelling, interesting, and important that you want to share it with everyone. Such is the case with the latest book from author Amy Chavez, entitled The Widow, The Priest and The Octopus Hunter: Discovering a Lost Way of Life on a Secluded Japanese Island, published by one of our favorite publishers, Tuttle

Japanese Recipe: Dango San Kyodai (and song!)

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Oct 22, 2020 / 2 comments

I LOVE Japanese food. One of my favorite party foods is a yummy rice-ball confection called Dango. We found a recipe for kushidango online, and adapted it. These are fantastic rice balls (mochi) that are steamed and grilled, adn served with a sauce. I remember eating them at festivals I went to, in Japan. They are really easy to make, and quite delicious! Here's the recipe:

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

How to Cook Rice Like a Sushi Chef

Hungry for sushi, but want to make it at home? Here’s your recipe, via Quirk Books’ delicious book, Stuff Every Sushi Lover Should Know.

How to Cook Rice Like a Sushi Chef. From Stuff Every Sushi Lover Should Know

History Comes Alive in Tokyo

by Sandy Bornstein /
Sandy Bornstein's picture
Jan 14, 2020 / 0 comments

To get acquainted with Tokyo’s history, with which I am unfamiliar, I started my journey at the city’s history museum, the Edo-Tokyo Museum. From the early 17th century until the mid 19th century, the Tokugawa shogunate ruled Japan from this city. By touring the permanent exhibit filled with artifacts and replicas, we learned about the 400 years of history from the Edo period to the present. 

History Comes Alive in Tokyo

Becky Burns's picture

Travel to Asia: A New Understanding–Villages Found

Early in the trip, I found my heart aching for the lost fishing village in Hong Kong. Although I understand the adage, “things change,” it seemed like a remarkable loss. Small villages and communities are the backbone of any nation, and diversity is strength. Relishing the vibrancy of the industrial section of Mongkok and its main market, I realized that this Hong Kong history also appeared fragile. Many shop owners and vendors were elderly, and seemed to struggle. Most areas of Hong Kong were filled with young people, completely glued to their phones.

Becky Burns's picture

Travel to Asia: A new understanding–Japan, the crowning jewel

In Japan, I did not know many things. I went without studying beforehand, yet I stepped forward with both a sensation and an openness.

Travel to Asia: A new understanding–Japan, the crowning jewel
Each gate is donated by a business person

I knew that Shinto and Buddhist shrines were important, but how so? I did not know. 

Did You Know? Learn More About Japan’s Melon Pan

by Culinary Spelunker /
Culinary Spelunker's picture
Feb 03, 2019 / 0 comments

At first glance, melon pan may seem a curiously misleading name – especially if you happen to choose a double chocolate melon pan (and you should – actually, order a few) or matcha melon pan.

Did You Know? Learn More About Japan’s Melon Pan

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

The Cool Tokyo Guide: Adventures in the City of Kawaii Fashion, Train Sushi, and Godzilla

Heading to Tokyo, or are is fascinated by this interesting, complex city? This is the book for you! Abby Denson's The Cool Tokyo Guide: Adventures in the City of Kawaii Fashion, Train Sushi, and Godzilla, is a fun, intriguing book - and one you can't put down. The easy to read comic book format lends itself well to this off-beat, upbeat tour of Tokyo.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Traveling to Japan? Read the Japan Traveler's Companion

Whether you've been to Japan and love it, or can't wait to go, I've got a book for you. Japan Traveler's Companion: Japan's Most Famous Sights from Okinawa to Hokkaido, by Rob Goss, is a treasure.

It's a beautiful book, perfect for dreaming and remembering.

