
Pomaire: Clay, Horses, and Pottery

by Stephane Alexandre /
Stephane Alexandre's picture
Feb 18, 2017 / 0 comments

Pomaire is a small town west of Santiago that specializes in clay and pottery. It is one of the smallest towns we visited in Santiago, but it is packed with great sights to see and things to do! We arrived early in Pomaire after about an hour drive outside of the city. I looked around at the deep burgundy red dirt and immediately understood why the town was famous for its impressive clay and pottery. I grew up in a countryside town, so I felt right at home.


by Stephane Alexandre /
Stephane Alexandre's picture
Jan 27, 2017 / 0 comments

Visiting Muelle de Las Armas, Chiloé

¡Viva Chile!

by Stephane Alexandre /
Stephane Alexandre's picture
Jan 14, 2017 / 0 comments

Chile turned 206 years old on September 18th! Experiencing the 18th in Chile was an insightful experience of the country's culture, history, and politics. It was a glorious day filled with intoxicating smells of BBQs, Chilean kites flying high in the sky, and everyone laughing and dancing with their loved ones. Looking back, here are some great ways I was able to enjoy such a historic day of a country that I’ve come to call my own.

Dolphins, Penguins, and the Clearest Water You've Ever Seen, in Chile

by Stephane Alexandre /
Stephane Alexandre's picture
Dec 02, 2016 / 0 comments

This past weekend was surreal! As part of our study abroad program, the program director invited us this past weekend to La Serena and Vicuna, a six-hour drive north of Santiago. I am so grateful that we took rest stops to stretch our legs, because I would have gone insane. Given that our trip is coming to an end in less than a month, it was such a perfect way to spend time together as a group.
