intercultural adjustment

Saben Brooks's picture

Changing Cities, Changing Countries, and Changing Ourselves

Imagine uprooting yourself from everything that is important to you. Taking yourself thousands of miles away from home and dropping yourself in a place that you feel is better for your future than where you were before. It doesn’t sound so daunting with all the technology today, but imagine being across oceans from those who are most important to you. 

That is the reality of the American Dream, and it is a topic that gets glorified across the world. 

Lexa Pennington's picture

Doing Business in China? 19 Cultural Differences You Should Know

Are you conversant with western cultures but seeking opportunities in China? One of the things you should know is that there are profound cultural differences between the U.S and China.

Here is your guide to intercultural success in doing business in China.

From Doing Business in China? 19 Cultural Differences You Should Know. Hands on a laptop, with USA and China flags and documents on the table.

Cate Brubaker's picture

3 Things That Hold You Back from a Happier Re-entry

You’re (going) home after an amazing experience abroad. You probably feeling sad, conflicted, and maybe even a little lost.

I’ll let you in on a little secret…there are ways to make re-entry a happier experience.

It's true! Just today, one of my tribe members told me that they now feel "more positive and excited about the whole re-entry process!” I love hearing that! 
