
Asako Maruoka's picture

How Travel Nursing Can Take Your Career to the Next Level


Nursing as a career is rewarding and lucrative, with American healthcare depending on these professionals. As of 2023, registered nurses in the US make $41.38 per hour, with an annual average of $86,070. With 194,500 openings for RNs each year, the market has a huge potential for aspiring professionals. 

How Travel Nursing Can Take Your Career to the Next Level

Lexa Pennington's picture

Great Reasons To Become a Travel Nurse

Great Reasons To Become a Travel Nurse

If you’ve been thinking about a change in careers (or have yet to decide on a career path), nursing could be just what you’ve been looking for. What’s so great about the industry is the fact that there are so many different areas of nursing, such as being a travel nurse. Learn a few reasons why becoming a travel nurse could help you find the perfect occupation.

Great Reasons To Become a Travel Nurse
