
The Protection of Indigenous Religions and Beliefs

by Rebecca Clark /
Rebecca Clark's picture
Nov 19, 2024 / 0 comments

Indigenous people around the world have faced countless challenges in protecting and practicing their religions and beliefs. Indigenous beliefs are a part of Indigenous religions. Religion and beliefs are separate from Indigenous traditions, however. There are religious traditions within Indigenous cultures, and non-religious traditions within Indigenous cultures.

The Protection of Indigenous Religions and Beliefs

Dominic Iqulik's picture

Baker Lake Nunavut, Canada

Captain William Christopher founded Baker Lake in the Canadian province of Nunavut in 1762, when he traveled from Chesterfield Inlet to the Baker Lake area. William named it after a Hudson’s Bay company governor, Sir William Baker. 

Katrina Sackaney-Archibald's picture

Indigenous Sweats

Have you ever heard of Indigenous Sweats? The real Canadian history and traditions of them? Today I will be talking about the importance and wonderful experience of Indigenous Sweats. Let me give you a brief history of Indigenous people and Canadian history, so you can have a little understanding of why it is so important.
Melissa Stone's picture

Wahnapitae First Nation and Loss of Language in the Culture

There is a huge loss of language within Ojibwe culture from when the elders were much younger (such as 40 years ago) to our generation now. It was one of the many losses within our culture that has been the hardest to try and bring back. 

New Pendulum on the Pow Wow Grounds. From Wahnapitae First Nation and Loss of Language in the Culture
New Pendulum on the Pow Wow Grounds

Land-Based Cultural Healing Camps and Why You Should Try It

by Kadie Bouchard /
Kadie Bouchard's picture
Oct 08, 2024 / 0 comments

Aanii, My name is Kadence and I am from Ontario, Canada. I would like to share my experience with Indigenous land-based cultural healing camps and how life-changing it was for me. These cultural practices are especially needed in smaller remote communities; because they are so isolated from the rest of society, they lack the privilege of good education, social opportunities, and new experiences. This can have a negative effect on the mental and physical health of people who live in these communities. 

Jaime Macdonald's picture

The Seven Grandfather Teachings & Using Them In Your Personal Life

There are seven sacred teachings in the indigenous culture that relate to common morals, but it is connected to the medicine wheel: a four-direction circle that consists of four colours, black, white, yellow, and red. The medicine wheel is separated into these four directions, and each direction represents the spiritual, emotional, physical, and intellectual ways of life. 
