
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Behind the Scenes with Turkish Airlines: Food, Safety, Training, and Smiles

Have you ever wondered how a successful airline does it? How they coordinate everything, AND make it work? Too often, we focus on weather delays, grumpy passengers, lines at airports. But there is so much that goes RIGHT, and we don't pay attention to it. I never thought about it, until I headed backstage at Turkish Airlines in Istanbul. 

Reading: Inside Out in Istanbul

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Jul 11, 2015 / 0 comments

Everyone in the whole world knows by now that I am in love with Turkey. Whilst I was there, my schedule was too hectic to meet a new friend, Lisa Morrow, who lives and teaches in Istanbul. My loss – and next time! Isn’t it crazy, how life goes like that?

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Finding Unexpected Joy in Turkey

I never expected to be able visit Turkey. Although everyone I knew that had been loved it, they all said how they thought it was too inaccessible for me. You see, I can't walk much because of my disabilities, and generally use a wheelchair scooter to get around if we don't have our car handy.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Visiting the House of the Mother Mary

A place of peace, serenity, and hope. I felt all of these – and a gentle wash of kindness – as I ventured up the path toward the House of the Virgin Mary, or Mother Mary (Meryem Ana), located just a few miles away from the busyness of the ruins at Ephesus, Turkey. 

It was a hot day in spring, and we had a very important stop before exploring Ephesus. We were visiting a place of pilgrimage for many global religions – that of the House of Mother Mary

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

#WidenYourWorld: Most Influential Travel Bloggers Share the Best of Turkey

I was part of a group of Whi
