
Through the Eyes of an Educator: Moods, Changes, and Shifts–Oh My!

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Mar 06, 2019 / 0 comments

Remember when you were between the ages of 14 and 18? That age bracket isn’t easy for any of us– growth, learning, changes, mood swings, and figuring things out take place–and that’s without adding any extra and guaranteed teenage angst or life obstacles. I taught high school for well over a decade. Those are the humans I know; those are the humans I understand. Perhaps, as adults, we don’t all sit around and reminisce or remember about life in high school or those early teenage years.

Kids Tales: Teens Making a Positive Impact on our World

by Lisa Doctor /
Lisa Doctor's picture
Feb 19, 2016 / 0 comments

Katie Eder is a tenth grade student—and an award-winning educator. Her passion for creative writing and her belief that kids can change the world led her to found Kids Tales, a non-profit workshop for elementary school students in low income areas, where original short stories are compiled into anthologies and self-published on Amazon.com. 

Lillie Forteau's picture

National Geographic Kids Almanac: Read This!

I've got the coolest book to share with you. It's the National Geographic Kids Almanac 2016, and it's full of awesomeness.

National Geographic Kids Almanac 2016
