
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Songs from Holocaust Testimonies Comprise New Musical Production from Yale University

In the Nazi concentration camps of World War II, Jewish prisoners forged significant bonds and created ephemeral documents of their torturous experiences through song. Yale University's Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies has produced an album, in collaboration with musicologist and musician D. Zisl Slepovitch, to honor the significance of these works: "Where Is Our Homeland?: Songs from Testimonies in the Fortunoff Video Archive, Volume 1."

Lars Wagoner's picture

Frankenstein's Monster: What Does It Mean To Be a Person?

I sat down at the roots of a tree to draw what seemed to be a Marguerite, a delicate white flower. I was surrounded by trees and mountain tops as I doodled away with my pencil in my well-loved notebook. As is typical with dreams, I never once questioned how these things came into my possession, or even how I had arrived at such a magical place. As dusk approached, I decided to wander further into the forest, until coming across one of the most unsightly creatures I had ever seen. 

Christopher Wurst's picture

22.33 Stories: Seeing It, Striving to Be It

Featuring first-person stories of people finding themselves in the middle of a culture that is foreign to them; each week, 22.33 will deliver interesting tales from people who share how they were able to create mutual understanding through cultural exchange. 

Seeing It, Striving to Be It

Music for Hope and Celebration

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Feb 17, 2020 / 0 comments

Dark and light, hard news and good news, in public life and in personal circumstance, always shift and change. It is vital to balance hard and discouraging with good and hopeful; that's what makes it possible to seek hope in challenging times, and to share that seeking and finding with others. As other musicians have through the music we have shared thus far in this series, and these artists do here.

Music for Hope and Celebration

Christopher Wurst's picture

22.33 Stories: Born Again Cowboy on the Steppe with Ryan T. Bell

Featuring first-person stories of people finding themselves in the middle of a culture that is foreign to them; each week, 22.33 will deliver interesting tales from people who share how they were able to create mutual understanding through cultural exchange. 

22.33 Stories: Born Again Cowboy on the Steppe with Ryan T. Bell

Autumn Stories in Music

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Nov 19, 2019 / 0 comments

Autumn: a season turning leaves, of changes in landscape, of conversation, of reflection, of renewal. A season of preparation for holiday celebrations, and for thinking about what oncoming winter may hold. 

Autumn Stories in Music

Christopher Wurst's picture

22.33 Stories: The Food We Eat, Part 2

Featuring first-person stories of people finding themselves in the middle of a culture that is foreign to them; each week, 22.33 will deliver interesting tales from people who share how they were able to create mutual understanding through cultural exchange. 

22.33 Stories: The Food We Eat, Part 2

Season 1, Episode 13

Another selection of unique, scary, strange, and sometimes delicious food stories from around the world.

Christopher Wurst's picture

22.33 Stories: Following in My Father’s Footsteps (with Alaa Mahmooud)

Featuring first-person stories of people finding themselves in the middle of a culture that is foreign to them; each week, 22.33 will deliver interesting tales from people who share how they were able to create mutual understanding through cultural exchange. 

22.33 Stories: Following in My Father’s Footsteps (with Alaa Mahmooud)

Enock Makasi's picture

Life isn’t fair

Life isn’t fair

There are those who travelled from far distance across the mountains, rivers, and seas

 seeking protection from wars, diseases, and natural disasters from every direction. 

Our initial experiences are still driven by fear 

The fear of losing loved ones, and we can't afford to lose another 

Music and Horizons: Stories of Hope

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Jun 19, 2019 / 0 comments

Early summer: it's often a season of weddings, graduations, changes, endings, new beginnings. The shifting world situations which were at the beginnings of this series of articles continue to evolve and present their own challenges, too. With those things in mind, here are five pieces of music to spark and accompany reflection, contemplation, celebration, and hope.

Music and Horizons: Stories of Hope
