
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This: Hidden Gems of the Northern Great Lakes: A Trail and Paddling Guide

We are SO excited to share an extraordinary new book by writer, photographer, and paddler Madeline Marquardt, entitled Hidden Gems of the Northern Great Lakes: A Trail and Paddling Guide. She has worked as a sea kayaking guide in the Apostle Islands, English teacher in Armenia, and paddled and hiked extensively throughout the Lake Superior Reg

Madeline Marquardt's picture

Top Five Hidden Gems in Michigan for Hikers and Paddlers

Publisher's note: We absolutely LOVE this book. Click here to read our author interview! 

Shella Brenner's picture

Hit the Trails in Northern Ireland & Donegal

Hiking is a popular pastime in Ireland for both serious hillwalkers and newbies looking to jumpstart a healthier lifestyle. For travelers, it can also be a wonderful way to see a beautiful country, to meet new people, and to learn about the history, culture, flora, and fauna of the Emerald Isle. 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Food on Foot: A History of Eating on Trails and In the Wild

I have found THE MOST FASCINATING book on eating outdoors. And I will tell you that once I started the book, I could not put it down (hello, 5am bedtime), and I have recommended it to all my friends who hike, meander, and eat in the wild. It has inspired me to look at being outside differently, and taught me much about food, walking and hiking, history, and culture.

Hiking: 6 Things You Need to Know

by Bert Maxwell /
Bert Maxwell's picture
Apr 24, 2017 / 0 comments

Hiking is a great outdoor adventure – you can explore nature to your heart’s content, travel to new places, and challenge your body and mind. But it isn’t easy – you need to be prepared in a variety of ways, as well as be aware of your environment at all times. There can be too many accidents.



Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Best Hikes Near Big Cities

There are so many benefits to spending vacation time in big cities, from the cultural exhibitions and top restaurants, to shopping up a storm and eyeing off amazing architecture. However, sometimes vacations in busy destinations can lead travelers to feeling like they really need some fresh air and strenuous exercise to counter-balance the chaos. 

Broken Top Hike: a Photo Essay

by Ben Voigts /
Ben Voigts's picture
Aug 18, 2008 / 0 comments

Yesterday I hiked up at Broken Top, in Bend, Oregon. It was a gorgeous day - here are some of my photos!  I hope you enjoy the virtual hike!

