Mythical Travel!

by nonameharbor / Oct 24, 2009 / 0 comments


Swimming With Mermen


Mourning clang of sea bell,

Black bouy number ten

Marks open seastead for sailor,

Promising voyage.


Imagine satin-scaled mermen,

Tumbling muscles of fin,

Arms like wet sea shell, singing,

All the world in their eyes.


Read between the waves.

I know the risk but

Forever I've waited

For this crossroad:


Long dive from bowsprit,

Sweet-wailing past sea smoke to spume.


Zero moment point.


I, the only mermaid,

Swimming with mermen.





To read more nautical poetry: No Name Harbor, Poetry of Barbary Chaapel

To read the story of our 7 1/2 years of living aboard a thirty foot sailboat: Journey of the Snow Goose

For Appalachian poetry: Estuary, Poetry of Barbary Chaapel

photos and book ordering information:


Barbary Chaapel is the Sailing Editor for Wandering Educators

