Safety Tips for Women Travelling to Spain

by Ed Forteau /
Ed Forteau's picture
May 22, 2013 / 0 comments

When it comes to travelling safely, women can never be too careful. Although Spain is a very friendly country to visit, there have been incidents in the news recently that cause female travellers to be alarmed. If you plan on taking a holiday to Spain by yourself, you’ll want to prepare yourself for anything that comes your way. From protecting your passport to avoiding dangerous situations, you’ll find the tips listed here valuable.


Here’s how you can enjoy your trip to Spain as a female traveller:

1. Carry very little dinero with you. One credit card and a small amount of currency should suffice. You do not want to tempt fate by carrying your whole life with you at all times. Heed this advice especially if you plan to go to crowded places like a sports arena or marketplace. Pickpockets are stealthy. You probably won’t know until it’s too late that you’ve had your wallet stolen from you. Who wants to spend time replacing important documents while in Spain?



2. Wear a ring even if you’re not married. You need to give people the impression that you’re travelling as a couple. A ring, although seldom a deterrent to bad guys, lets others know that someone is looking out for you. This is especially important if you’re travelling alone in any foreign country.




3. Don’t be overly flashy. Leave your fine clothing and jewellery at home. Try to blend in as much as possible. Carry a purse with a strap on it and crisscross it so it hugs your body. Keep fancy cameras and phones in a safe place and only use them when necessary to prevent drawing too much attention to your possessions.




4. Never tell anyone you’re travelling alone. If you’re out in public, refrain from announcing that you’re completely by yourself. You never know who is listening. If you go places at night, arrange for transportation back to your hotel or accommodation. If a situation gives you a sense of uneasiness, ask someone to accompany you until you’re safely inside the building where other people are at.




5. Carry emergency contact information as well as your medical history with you. Make sure it is written in both English and Spanish. Don’t forget to include phone numbers for the people that you’re closest to. In the event that something happens and you’re lying in a hospital bed, you’ll want someone you know to check in on you.




It’s always better to be safe than sorry. Being prepared is the first defence you have again crime as you travel in Spain. Familiarize yourself with your surroundings by reading up about the cities you plan to travel to, the locations you should avoid visiting, and the best places to meet other female solo travellers finding their way around the globe. Follow your instinct and avoid situations that make you feel uncomfortable. Keep your personal belongings with you in a discreet location where they won’t draw unnecessary attention to you.



